I want to explore more about the gender feature. to show the huge gap between male and female artists based on the collections that MET chose to collect. and I will also narrow down the scope by choosing art collections from 20th century specifically.
My theme is : Throughout the 20th century, the huge gap between artists gender, based on the number of collections that MET acquired each year, is increased or decreased.
For the qualitative part, I will also combine with the gender of the donors to see if there are any female collectors or male collectors who are interested in art collections. And what are their preferances?
Number of art works been acquired each year from the 20th century: Preliminary Process need to be done through R
Create a new variable (the difference of number of artworks from male and female artists for each year)
the artwork collected by female collectors: if the workload is too huge, need to limit the scope into top 10 female collectors
the artwork of female artists collected by male collectors: if the workload is too huge, need to limit the scope into top 10 collectors
Some preparation for the qualitative research: Combine the donors' gender/ artists' gender with the medium feature to see if there is any preferances.
Throughout the 20th century, when MET started to grow rapidly, There is definetely a huge gap of art works that created by male and female artists. What is the trend, is the gap enlarged or closed a little bit?
the first one is using the gender and the number of artworks been acquited each year in the 20th century. Each 10 artpieces is presented by seprated square
the second one combined with the medium feature to see the number of top 10 medium artworks been created by male and female artists.
can modified this to present the number of collections by female donors, or by top 10 donors. Haven't modify the design yet because I just think the variable of donor can be a good idea that limit my scope and diffierentiate my idea.