Flatdango Movie mini webapp is an online platform that allows a user to purchase movie tickets from the theater.
The user should be in a position to See the first movie's details, including its poster, title, runtime,showtime, and available tickets when the page loads. The number of
available tickets will need to be derived by subtracting the number of
from the theater's capacity
The user will also be allowed to buy a ticket for a movie. After clicking the "Buy Ticket" button, he or she should see the number of available tickets decreasing on the frontend.
For one to use use this repository ensure you are equiped with the following
-Visual Studio Code. -LIve Server Extension -nodejs 9.0+ -computer that runs on either of the following
To get the code ..
Clone the repository: https://github.com/tony555t/flatdango change directory cd flatdango opening in visual studio code code .
-Run this command to get the backend started: json-server --watch db.json. -Test your server by visiting this route in the browser: http://localhost:3000/characters. -Rightclick on the index file and open live server.
1.HTML5 2.CSS 3.JavaScript Author and License
antony tula