A collection of code and ideas for emacs Haskell support.
The library is in the process of being refactored towards haskell-ng-mode.
- repl
Functionality not yet in haskell-ng:
- bring/show repl
- kill/restart
- eval (send a string and return a result)
- dealing with the prompt
- error management eg hiding or popup of warnings
- cabal
(see rustic-cargo.el)
- cabal compiler/runner (preset options for building and testing)
- project management (init/adding deps)
- root finding
- org-babel
- hoogle
- hackage/stackage
- doctor checking a project for health (hls available, cabal file existence, stray configurations)
- syntax (via treesit)
- fontlock
- faces
- regexps
- completion (via lsp)
- keyword lists
- pragmas
- horellana/company-ghci
- navigation (via treesit)
- motion
- structure definition blocking, folding
- indentation
- flymake/flycheck (lsp)
- documentation (lsp)
- tags MarcWeber/hasktags#81 Tracking: Maintenance and modernization GitHub - arybczak/ghc-tags: A command line tool that leverages GHC API for ge…