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Racket ABNF implementation (interpreter & compiler), for directly cutting-and-pasting from RFCs.


  • The error reporting is poor. Sometimes the position is off-by-one (?); frequently, the error message is bad. Taking strategies from packrat parser implementations might be a good idea?

  • Extensions "rule =/ ..." need to flatten the resulting alternations to a single rule-toplevel alternation, rather than a nested tree.

abnf: RFC5234-compatible ABNF #lang

Tony Garnock-Jones <>

1. Introduction

 (require abnf) package: [abnf](

This library implements a #lang and compiler for grammars specified in the ABNF dialect given by RFC 5234.

Using #lang abnf allows grammars to be directly cut-and-pasted from RFC documents, giving confidence that an implementation matches the specification.

In addition, the usual advantages of parser-generator tools over hand-implemented lexers and parsers apply: readability and maintainability of code, and automated syntax-error handling.

The chief disadvantage of using #lang abnf is a modest speed penalty. Also, input must be given as either a string? or a bytes?. Parsing from a port is not yet supported.

As an example, compare Racket’s own JSON parser to a #lang abnf parser directly using the ABNF from RFC 8259. The built-in parser is about 274 lines of hand-written code. It implements a JSON dialect originally based on the specification. However, the correspondence between the implementation and the grammar is not clear. By contrast, directly cutting-and-pasting the ABNF rules from RFC 8259 yields 48 lines of #lang abnf for the grammar itself, which combine with about 50 lines of hand-written code to produce a compatible JSON reader that conforms to the RFC’s own grammar. At the time of writing, the #lang abnf parser is approximately 5–10× slower than the hand-written parser.

2. Theory of operation

The idea of separating specification of concrete syntax from abstract syntax and from semantics in general was taken from the Ohm parser generator. See also the paper “Modular Semantic Actions”, Warth, Dubroy and Garnock-Jones, DLS 2016.This library, unlike many other parser generators, separates parsing of an input into two separate stages.

First, a grammar given in a #lang abnf source file translates the input to a concrete syntax tree (CST).See the documentation for the cst? predicate for a description of the structure of CST values produced by this library. Second, the CST is interpreted by a semantic function to produce an effect, a final value, or an abstract syntax tree (AST).

A CST preserves almost every detail of the surface syntax of the input as analyzed by the rules of the grammar, including whitespace and a complete record of which grammatical rules were applied where. By contrast, an AST abstracts away much of the syntactic detail of an input, representing the essential structure of the input in terms of the language being implemented.

Separation of concrete from abstract syntax allows for reuse of grammars in many different contexts. Indeed, one of the main motivations for this library was to be able to directly cut and paste ABNF specifications from RFCs, keeping a close correspondence between a grammar and its defining document, without being required to alter it syntactically or to insert semantic actions.

3. Example: Arithmetic

To get an overview of the library and #lang, let’s look at a simple language of arithmetic. First, we will specify the language’s concrete syntax. Next, we will move on to direct interpretation from the concrete syntax. Finally, we will produce an AST from a CST, and switch to interpretation of the AST.

3.1. Grammar and concrete syntax

Consider the following Racket source file, arithmetic-rules.rkt:

#lang abnf
expr = term "+" expr / term "-" expr / term
term = factor "*" term / factor "/" term / factor factor = "(" expr ")" / num
num = *SP *DIGIT *SP
SP = %x20 / %x09 / %x0d / %x0a
DIGIT = %x30-39

A program can produce a CST for a given input as follows:

> (require abnf)                                                              
  (define-abnf-parser parse-arithmetic/cst "arithmetic-rules.rkt" expr values)
  (parse-arithmetic/cst "10 + 20 * 30 - 40")                                  

Every parser resulting from define-abnf-parser always produces a CST conforming to cst? as its output. The CST produced for the particular parser and input given is the fearsome-looking S-expression:

  '(expr (/ 0 (: (term                                                             
                  (/ 2 (factor                                                     
                        (/ 1 (num (: (* ())                                        
                                     (* ((DIGIT 49)                                
                                         (DIGIT 48)))                              
                                     (* ((SP (/ 0 32))))))))))                     
                  (/ 1 (: (term                                                    
                           (/ 0 (: (factor                                         
                                    (/ 1 (num (: (* ((SP (/ 0 32))))               
                                                 (* ((DIGIT 50)                    
                                                     (DIGIT 48)))                  
                                                 (* ((SP (/ 0 32))))))))           
                                    (/ 2 (factor                                   
                                          (/ 1 (num (: (* ((SP (/ 0 32))))         
                                                       (* ((DIGIT 51)              
                                                           (DIGIT 48)))            
                                                       (* ((SP (/ 0 32)))))))))))))
                           (/ 2 (term                                              
                                 (/ 2 (factor                                      
                                       (/ 1 (num (: (* ((SP (/ 0 32))))            
                                                    (* ((DIGIT 52)                 
                                                        (DIGIT 48)))               
                                                    (* ())))))))))))))))           

The utility text, imported via (require abnf/rfc5234/core), recovers the input text from a given CST:

> (require abnf/rfc5234/core)                      
  (text (parse-arithmetic/cst "10 + 20 * 30 - 40"))

  "10 + 20 * 30 - 40"

3.2. Direct interpretation

We know from the documentation of the cst? predicate and the definition of our grammar above that we can write a direct interpreter for arithmetic CSTs as follows:

(define (eval-cst cst)                                         
  (match cst                                                   
    [`(expr (/ 0 (: ,x "+" ,y))) (+ (eval-cst x) (eval-cst y))]
    [`(expr (/ 1 (: ,x "-" ,y))) (- (eval-cst x) (eval-cst y))]
    [`(expr (/ 2 ,z)) (eval-cst z)]                            
    [`(term (/ 0 (: ,x "*" ,y))) (* (eval-cst x) (eval-cst y))]
    [`(term (/ 1 (: ,x "/" ,y))) (/ (eval-cst x) (eval-cst y))]
    [`(term (/ 2 ,z)) (eval-cst z)]                            
    [`(factor (/ 0 (: "(" ,z ")"))) (eval-cst z)]              
    [`(factor (/ 1 ,z)) (eval-cst z)]                          
    [`(num (: ,_ ,digits ,_)) (string->number (text digits))]))

The example above evaluates as expected:

> (eval-cst (parse-arithmetic/cst "10 + 20 * 30 - 40"))


3.3. Building and interpreting an AST

Many languages are too complex to interpret directly from concrete syntax. A useful intermediate step is to define an abstract syntax and to translate input concrete syntax to abstract syntax before processing it further.

For our simple arithmetic language, a single syntax tree node type suffices:

> (struct binop (function arg0 arg1) #:prefab)

Our semantic function is almost identical to the evaluator above:

(define (cst->ast cst)                                               
  (match cst                                                         
    [`(expr (/ 0 (: ,x "+" ,y))) (binop + (cst->ast x) (cst->ast y))]
    [`(expr (/ 1 (: ,x "-" ,y))) (binop - (cst->ast x) (cst->ast y))]
    [`(expr (/ 2 ,z)) (cst->ast z)]                                  
    [`(term (/ 0 (: ,x "*" ,y))) (binop * (cst->ast x) (cst->ast y))]
    [`(term (/ 1 (: ,x "/" ,y))) (binop / (cst->ast x) (cst->ast y))]
    [`(term (/ 2 ,z)) (cst->ast z)]                                  
    [`(factor (/ 0 (: "(" ,z ")"))) (cst->ast z)]                    
    [`(factor (/ 1 ,z)) (cst->ast z)]                                
    [`(num (: ,_ ,digits ,_)) (string->number (text digits))]))      

It produces abstract syntax trees that capture the essence of the input expression without details of its syntactic presentation such as whitespace or grouping parentheses:

> (cst->ast (parse-arithmetic/cst "10 + 20 * 30 - 40"))

  (binop + 10 (binop - (binop * 20 30) 40))

We can then write an interpreter for our abstract syntax:

(define (eval-ast ast)                           
  (match ast                                     
    [(binop f x y) (f (eval-ast x) (eval-ast y))]
    [(? number? n) n]))                          

The interpreter produces the same results as the direct CST interpreter:

> (eval-ast (cst->ast (parse-arithmetic/cst "10 + 20 * 30 - 40")))


The combination of a semantic function with a concrete grammar is so common that it is included in the syntax of define-abnf-parser. We can define an AST-producing variant parser by supplying cst->ast instead of values to define-abnf-parser:

(define-abnf-parser parse-arithmetic "arithmetic-rules.rkt" expr cst->ast)

Then parse-arithmetic produces AST values directly:

> (parse-arithmetic "10 + 20 * 30 - 40")

  (binop + 10 (binop - (binop * 20 30) 40))

4. #lang abnf source files

abnf per rfc, plus // and # and @require and @biased-choice and @unbiased-choice and @greedy-repetition and @non-greedy-repetition

how imports and exports work

writing compatible parsers by hand (cross-reference to parser inputs and outputs)

5. Parser functions, their inputs, and their outputs

parser-input/c : contract? = (or/c parse-input? bytes? string?)   
parser-output/c : contract?                                       
 = (cons/c parse-error? (listof parse-result?))                   
parser-function/c : contract?                                     
 = (parser-input/c . -> . parser-output/c)                        
parser/c : contract?                                              
 = (->* (parser-input/c)                                          
         #:on-ambiguity (-> parser-input/c parser-output/c any/c))

An ABNF parser function is any function that accepts a parser-input/c input, namely anything accepted by ->parse-input, and produces an output conforming to parser-output/c.

Because working directly with the output of a parser function is awkward, parsers defined via abnf-parser or define-abnf-parser make use of analyze-parser-results to give a simpler interface conforming to parser/c: such parsers accept an input as usual, but return results directly for successful parses, generally raising exceptions for parse errors or parse ambiguities.

(->parse-input i) -> parse-input?
  i : parser-input/c             

Converts its argument into a form suitable for use with a parser function. A bytes? input is identity-mapped, byte-for-byte, to a sequence of codepoints. A string? input is taken as a sequence of Unicode codepoints. A parse-input? argument is returned unmodified.

             [#:incomplete-parse-error? incomplete-parse-error?] 
 -> parser/c                                                     
  incomplete-parse-error? : boolean? = #t                        
  parser : parser-function/c                                     
  semantic-function : (cst? . -> . any/c)                        

Produces a parser/c that, when given input, passes the input to parser and analyzes the resulting parser-output/c via analyze-parser-results, making use of the given semantic-function. The produced parser/c returns the result of analyze-parser-results.

(define-abnf-parser id cst-module rulename semantic-function)

Expands to

(define id (abnf-parser (let ()                     
                          (local-require cst-module)
(cst? maybe-cst) -> boolean?
  maybe-cst : any/c         

The cst? predicate recognises valid CSTs as produced by parsers generated by this library.

The CST resulting from a parse is an S-expression whose shape is constrained by the grammar driving the parse.

The base-case, simplest CSTs are those resulting from literal matches. These are either a string, corresponding to a matched ABNF literal string (e.g. "literal string"), or an integer codepoint number, corresponding to a matched ABNF range (e.g. %x41-5A).

All other CSTs are built recursively:

  • alternatives in the grammar produce (/ _i_ _cst_)`, where i is the index of the matched alternative;

  • sequences produce (: _cst1_ _cst2_ ...)`;

  • repetitions produce (* (_cst1_ _cst2_ ...))`; and finally,

  • each matched rule from the grammar produces (_rulename_ _cst_)`.

(struct exn:fail:abnf exn:fail ()                                 
(struct exn:fail:abnf:syntax exn:fail:abnf (input failing-ast loc)
  input : parse-input?                                            
  failing-ast : cst?                                              
  loc : srcloc?                                                   
(struct exn:fail:abnf:ambiguity exn:fail:abnf (input outcomes)    
  input : parse-input?                                            
  outcomes : parser-output/c                                      

These exceptions are signalled by parsers resulting from abnf-parser or define-abnf-parser.

An instance of exn:fail:abnf:syntax is raised when a parser cannot produce a complete and valid parse of a given input.

An instance of exn:fail:abnf:ambiguity is raised when a parser produces more than one complete and valid parse of a given input.

The structure type exn:fail:abnf serves merely as a convenient supertype for blanket parse-exception handling.

6. Traversing concrete syntax values

(traverse f cst) -> any/c                                           
  f : ((cst? . -> . any/c) (or/c cst? string? number?) . -> . any/c)
  cst : cst?                                                        

When writing semantic functions, one often wishes to concentrate on interpreting the results of matched rules, treating alternation, concatenation, and repetition generically.

For example, if walk is our semantic function, we may want

(walk (/ _i_ _cst_))(walk _cst_) (walk (: cst1 cst2 ...))(map walk (list cst1 cst2 ...)) (walk (* (_cst1_ _cst2_ ...)))(map walk (list _cst1_ _cst2_ ...))`

The function traverse abstracts out this common pattern.

The function f is called only for CSTs that are strings, numbers, or the results of grammar rule applications. All other kinds of CST are handled per the equations above.

When f is called, it is given two arguments: a function to call to recursively process a CST, and the CST under current consideration.

Example: Booleans. Consider the following grammar, "bools-rules.rkt", which accepts sequences of ts and fs:

#lang abnf
bools = *bool
bool = true / false true = "t"
false = "f"

The grammar yields raw CSTs like this:

> (define-abnf-parser parse-bools/cst "bools-rules.rkt" bools values)
  (parse-bools/cst "ttfftff")                                        
     ((bool (/ 0 (true "t")))    
      (bool (/ 0 (true "t")))    
      (bool (/ 1 (false "f")))   
      (bool (/ 1 (false "f")))   
      (bool (/ 0 (true "t")))    
      (bool (/ 1 (false "f")))   
      (bool (/ 1 (false "f"))))))

We could convert such a CST to a sequence of Racket booleans using a direct recursion, handling alternation and repetition ourselves:

(define (cst->ast/1 cst)              
  (let walk ((cst cst))               
    (match cst                        
      [`(bools (* ,vs)) (map walk vs)]
      [`(bool (/ 0 ,_)) #t]           
      [`(bool (/ 1 ,_)) #f])))        

> (cst->ast/1 (parse-bools/cst "ttfftff"))

  (list #t #t #f #f #t #f #f)

Alternatively, we could use traverse to allow us to concentrate on the portions of interest, namely the true and false rules, letting traverse take care of mapping, alternation, and so forth:

(define (cst->ast/2 cst)                                              
  (traverse (lambda (walk cst)                                        
              (match cst                                              
                [`(true ,_) #t]                                       
                [`(false ,_) #f]                                      
                [`(,_ ,v) (walk v)])) ; recurse through all other rule

> (cst->ast/2 (parse-bools/cst "ttfftff"))

  (list #t #t #f #f #t #f #f)

The third case in the match in cst->ast/2 is necessary to allow traverse to "reach through" layers of uninteresting structure such as, in this example, the tagged CSTs from rules bool and bools.

7. Parser runtime support library

 (require abnf/runtime) package: [abnf](
(struct parse-input (codepoints))                   
  codepoints : (vectorof exact-nonnegative-integer?)

Internal structure for use in parsing. Contains a vector of codepoint integers, which are interpreted as unicode code points when compared against ABNF literal strings, and as plain integers when compared against ABNF ranges.

(struct parse-result (value loc)) 
  value : cst?                    
  loc : exact-nonnegative-integer?

Represents a successful partial parse of a portion of the input. The value is the resulting CST, and the loc is the position in the parsed input immediately following this successful parse.

(struct parse-error (failing-ast loc))
  failing-ast : any/c                 
  loc : exact-nonnegative-integer?    

Represents a parse error. The failing-ast is an ABNF-specific indicator of which portion of the grammar failed to match, and the loc is the position in the input where the error occurred.

                        [#:incomplete-parse-error? incomplete-parse-error?] 
 -> any/c                                                                   
  results : parser-output/c                                                 
  incomplete-parse-error? : boolean? = #t                                   
  input : parse-input?                                                      
  source-name : string?                                                     
  ks : (cst? . -> . any/c)                                                  
  kf : (any/c srcloc? . -> . any/c)                                         
  ka : (parser-output/c . -> . any/c)                                       
     = (lambda (rs)                                                         
         (kf "Ambiguous result"                                             
             (loc->srcloc 0 input source-name)))                            


(raise-abnf-syntax-error input                      
                         loc)        -> any/c       
  input : parse-input?                              
  failing-ast : any/c                               
  loc : srcloc?                                     
(raise-abnf-ambiguity-error input outcomes) -> any/c
  input : parse-input?                              
  outcomes : parser-output/c                        

Utilities used primarily with analyze-parser-results to signal exn:fail:abnf:syntax and exn:fail:abnf:ambiguity errors, respectively.

(convert-all-results f)                   
 -> (input outcomes . -> . (listof any/c))
  f : (cst? . -> . any/c)                 

Applies f to each parse-result? in the outcomes, but passes through each parse-error? unmodified.


ABNF parser implementation #lang for Racket.






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