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Version Française

CJQ-Club de Judo de Quebec

Implementation de site pour mandat du RAC.

Le Club de Judo de Québec désire se doter d'un site web pour afficher ses activités, donner des informations et prendre des inscriptions. Il vous demande d'effectuer l'analyse et le développement de ce site.

Le club veut une page d'accueil à partir de laquelle les visiteurs pourront choisir l'option désirée (un peu comme les sites compétiteurs). Les choix possibles à partir de cette page d'accueil sont:

  • Accueil: page principale présentant l'information de base sur le Club;
  • Cours: cours offerts, coûts, horaires, et inscriptions en ligne;
  • Ceinture: information sur les ceintures;
  • Compétition: calendrier des compétitions, résultats et classements;
  • Équipement: liste du matériel, prix, achat en ligne;
  • Gestion: sert à la mise à jour des classements, inscriptions des équipes, etc, uniquement accessible aux gestionnaires du site.

Getting Started / Commencer

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

Prerequisites / Pré-requis

In order to build and run the Club de Judo de Quebec's application, you must have some pre-installed basic software.

First, you must have node installed in your system, along with its package manager, npm. This is essential, as node is the basis upon which all the application is built.

If you are running under windows you must install Git Bash and support for git in your enviroment, and execute all further instruction on Git Bash's shell. The windows command line isn't enough to build and run the application environment.

You must also have Docker installed. Although it is possible to deploy the several pieces of software that compose this application separately, it would be work intensive and very error prone. Docker allows for a standardized deployment process and simplifies the instalation of prerequisite software, which can be installed directly on the container instead of on the host. The database, for instance, will be installed on the container and not on the host.

All the other prerequisites necessary for this application will be dealt with by node and docker.


If you haven't done it yet, clone this application code to your computer.

git clone

Afterwards, you must configure the environment variables, that control the execution os the various parts of the docker container.

Open the file ./docker/manage, find the function configureEnvironment() and change the following variables to reflect your own environment:

  • API_PORT: the api port; e.g 8001

  • APP_PORT: the application frontend port; e.g 8002

  • MYSQL_DATABASE: the database to be created; e.g. 'dummy'

  • MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: the password for the database root user; e.g 'blitzkrieg'

  • MYSQL_PORT_LOCAL: the database port on the local machine; e.g. 3308

  • MYSQL_PORT_CONTAINER: the database on the container port; e.g. 3308

  • MYSQL_PERSISTENCE_LOCALDIR: the local dir where the persistent database files will be stored; e.g. '~/Development/mysql-container/data'. You should use your operating system's naming convention to setup the persistence local dir. For instance, if you're using windows, the example above could be redefined as 'C:\Development\mysql-container\data'.

  • ADMINER_PORT_LOCAL: adminer local machine port, e.g. 8888

  • ADMINER_PORT_CONTAINER=adminer container port, e.g. 8080

  • MAILDEV_HOST=maildev host, e.g. maildev

  • MAILDEV_PORT=maildev listening port, e.g. 7050

Also, create a .env file under the cjq-api directory, and define the following environment vars:

  • APP_NAME="API Provider pour Club de Judo de Quebec"
  • HOST_NAME=http://localhost
  • PORT=8001
  • SWAGGER_FILE="./swagger.json"
  • LOG_FILE="./logs/log.txt"
  • DATA_FILE=""

Then, use the manage shell script to build the application.

$ cd docker
$ ./manage build 

Now, the last step is to build the database container. It will setup a mysql server community edition container answering on port 3308, and Adminer, a web application for database admin, on port 8888.

$ ./manage build-db

Example Use

To launch the application, run the following script:

cd docker
$ ./manage start

Once the application's containers are up, you will find the following endpoints available:

To stop the application, and keep the containers ready on your docker, simply make a stop:

$ ./manage stop

On the other hand, if you want to destroy the containers, you must do a down or rm (they are equivalent):

$ ./manage down

Show what the library does as concisely as possible, developers should be able to figure out how your project solves their problem by looking at the code example. Make sure the API you are showing off is obvious, and that your code is short and concise.

API Reference

The API documentation for the project is available at the address Swagger OpenAPI.

# Method Endpoint Function Responses
1 POST /auth/signup Signs a new user up 201, 400
2 POST /auth/signin Signs a user in 200, 401
3 GET /me/:codeUser Retrieve information of the user 200, 404
4 GET /users Retrieve all users avaliable 200, 404
5 GET /users/:codeUser Retrieve a specific user identified by id 200, 404
6 POST /users Create a new users 201, 400
7 PATCH /users/:codeUser Updates information from a user identified by id 204, 400
8 DELETE /users/:codeUser Delete a specific user identified by id 204, 400
9 GET /members Retrieve all members avaliable 200, 404
10 GET /members/:codeMember Retrieve a specific member identified by id 200, 404
11 POST /members Create a new member 201, 400
12 PATCH /members/:codeMember Updates information from a member identified by id 204, 400
13 DELETE /members/:codeMember Delete a specific member identified by id 204, 400
14 GET /modalites Retrieve all modalites available 200, 404
15 GET /modalites/:codeModalite Retrieve a specific modalite 200, 404
16 GET /horaires Retrieve all horaires available 200, 404
17 GET /horaires/:codeHoraire Retrieve a specific horaire identified by id 200, 404
18 GET /entraineurs Retrieve all entraineurs 200, 404
19 GET /entraineurs/:codeEntraineur Retrieve a specific entraineur identified by id 200, 404
20 GET /cours Retrieve all cours avalable 200, 404
21 GET /cours/:codeCours Retrieve a specific cours identified by id 200, 404
22 GET /contacts Retrieve all contacts avaliable 200, 404
23 GET /contacts/:codeContact Retrieve a specific contact identified by id 200, 404
24 POST /contacts Create a new contact 201, 400
25 PATCH /contacts/:codeContact Updates information from a contact identified by id 204, 400
26 DELETE /contacts/:codeContact Delete a specific contact identified by id 204, 400

The data model is simplified for the RAC's requisites, yet it is still complex enough to demonstrate knowledge on dealing with data modelling and database programming / administration.

The model has 7 basic tables, described below:

  • MEMBRE: A club's member personnal data
  • INSCRIPTION: This is an inscription a member has on a course, past or present.
  • COURS: Courses options available on the dojo;
  • HORAIRE: Schedule options for courses on the dojo;
  • MODALITE: Modality of course members can choose from;
  • ENTRAINEUR: Data about the coaches teaching the various courses;
  • CONTACT: Contacts done either by the club's members or the general public, via a contact form on the web application.

Below, you will find the logical and physical data model diagrams for this database.

Logical data model

Physical data model

Access to the database

To access the database administration tool (Adminer), access its address and log in using the following information, valid for a development environemt:

  • System: MySQL
  • Server: db
  • Username: cjqweb
  • Password: 123456
  • Database: CJQ

Please note that these values are case-sensitive.

Running the tests

Explain how to run the automated tests for this system

Break down into end to end tests

Explain what these tests test and why

Give an example

And coding style tests

Explain what these tests test and why

Give an example


Add additional notes about how to deploy this on a live system

Built With

  • Node.js - Javascript runtime
  • Docker - Container platform for rapid app/microservices development and delivery
  • ReactJS - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
  • Angular - AngularJS is a toolset for building a framework suited to application development. It is fully extensible and works well with other libraries.
  • Bootstrap - Bootstrap is a css library that is a popular front-end open source toolkit.
  • MySQL - Open source relational database
  • Ngrok - Exposes local servers behind NATs and firewalls to the public internet over secure tunnels.
  • Openshift - Open source container application platform based on the Kubernetes container orchestrator for enterprise app development.

Contributing / Contribuer

Found a bug? Ready to submit a PR? Want to submit a proposal for your grand idea? Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.

Vous avez trouvé un bug? Êtes-vous prêt à soumettre un PR? Voulez-vous soumettre une proposition pour votre grande idée? Merci de lire pour des détails sur notre code de conduite, et le processus pour nous soumettre des pull requests.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.

Nous utilisons SemVer pour faire le versionement. Pour les versions disponibles, voir les tags dans ce répo.

Authors / Auteurs

  • Julio Cesar Torres - Initial work - torjc01

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.

Voyez aussi la liste de contributeurs qui ont participé à ce projet.


The CJQ website is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the file for details

Le site web du CJQ est licensé sous la license Apache 2.0 - voir le fichier pour plus de détails.

Acknowledgements / Remerciements

  • M Jean-François Savard, de m'avoir demandé cette implémentation.
  • Au Club de Judo de la Vieille Capitale, qui m'a accueilli lors de mon arrivé au Québec avec toute la convivialité de l'Art de la Voie de la Souplesse.
  • To the site Unsplash, for the high quality photos available for free to the developer community.
  • Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
  • Inspiration
  • etc

References / Références