A stripped down and embeddable implementation of a DataDog agent in golang that is extremely easy to set up and use. You need an API key and the correct hostname for your region (look in config/env.go for an hardcoded list).
This package is meant to be simple and was made just for the sake of it so, again, DO NOT USE IT yet, especially in production.
The objectives of this little library:
- Have no dependencies except for the std lib
- Just push metrics and logs, nothing else
- Do some optimizations to keep it all very lightweight
- Logs
- Agent
- Refactor
- Metrics
- Testing
Go to example/ and add a config.json file like this:
"Region": "https://datadoghq.eu",
"APIKey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
go run example/main.go
Log in into DataDog, go to Metrics -> Summary. You should see two new metrics:
Now export the metrics into a test dashboard.