A small container with basic runtime features and security management providing a reliable base image for high-available microservices.
uses GitHub's Container Registry and can be pulled:
docker pull ghcr.io/torresmvl/tito:tag
Or directly on Dockerfile:
FROM ghcr.io/torresmvl/tito:tag AS yourApp
is based on Alpine Linux and targets to be a minimal footprint for other applications that lacks of a containerized packaging. It has many flavors that describes it's tags, i.e:
TAG | Description | Alpine Version |
node | A NodeJS v14.15.4 + NPM v6.14.10 environment. It comes with pm2 globally installed | v3.13 |
base | It's the base image for all others tags, it simply setup the alpine environment with one passwordless user, tito and tini as entrypoint |
v3.13 |
For changelog, and a more in-depth guides, read the docs