Carotte is a very lightweight Celery on zmq.
pip install carotte
Create your
from carotte import Carotte my_app = Carotte() @my_app.task def hello_world(name): return 'Hello %s!' % name
Run your worker (default on "tcp://"):
carotte worker --app app:my_app
Run tasks:
>>> from app import hello_world >>> t = hello_world.delay(['Carotte']) >>> t.success >>> True >>> t.result >>> 'Hello Carotte!'
Or run a client (if don't have tasks on your system):
>>> from carotte import Client >>> client = Client() >>> task = client.run_task('hello_world', ['Carotte']) >>> task.success >>> True >>> task.result >>> 'Hello Carotte!'
Carotte is not a scheduler, its an asynchronous tasks runner. But you can really set up scheduled tasks with schedule.
import requests from carotte import Carotte my_app = Carotte() @app.task def get(url): r = requests.get(url) if r.status_code != 200: # Do stuff return False return True
import time import schedule from app import get schedule.every(10), '') while True: schedule.run_pending() time.sleep(1)
Run your worker and your scheduler:
carotte worker --app app:my_app python