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Dotfiles for my mac development environment.

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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


The purpose of this repository is to enhance my terminal and IDE setup for improved productivity.


  1. Run install script

    sh -c "`curl -fsSL `"
  2. Paste tmux into iTerm Profiles > General > Command > Send text at start

  3. Profiles > Text > Change Font > Family > DroidSansMono Nerd Font



Update required brew formulas, vim plugins and oh-my-zsh.



Return to dust.

Install Plugin

./ {plugin}
  • foo - test usage
  • tf - install terraform, vim-hashicorp-tools
  • go - install go, vim-go
  • snip - install instant-snippets

Brew Packages

  • Main
    • zsh
    • tmux
  • Search
    • ripgrep - code fuzzy search
    • zsh-z - folder navigation
    • fd - file and folder search
  • Better Command
    • exa - ls
    • bat - cat
    • prettyping - ping
    • glances - top
    • ctop - ctop
    • tldr - man
    • duf - df
  • Language
    • jq - json query
  • Info
    • neofetch - system info
    • onefetch - git repo info
    • wifi-password
  • Misc
    • reattach-to-user-namespace - for tmux clipboard
    • watchman - coc file renaming (update related imports)
    • git
    • yarn
    • neovim
    • cmake
    • pyenv
    • nvm


The following keys are my most used commands.


  • tmux ls - list sessions
  • tmux new -s <id> - create new session
  • tmux attach -t <id> - attach to specific session
  • tmux kill -t <id> - kill session
  • <C-a d> - detach session
  • <C-a \<> - open status line menu
  • <C-a \>> - open pane menu
  • <C-a c> - create window
  • <C-a n> - next window
  • <C-a p> - previous window
  • <C-a x> - kill window
  • <C-a :move-window -r> - reorder window index
  • <C-h,j,k,l> - navigate between windows
  • <C-a Shift-h,j,k,l> - resize focused window
  • <C-a PgUp,PgDown> - scroll the window


  • Panes
    • <C-h,j,k,l> - navigate between panes
    • <C-a e> - enable sync mode for all panes
    • <C-a E> - disable sync mode
    • vv - vertical split
    • ss - horizontal split
  • Floating Window
    • <Shift-j> - scroll down
    • <Shift-k> - scroll up
  • NERDtree
    • <C-\> - toggle NERDTree
    • ? - show help
  • File
    • :new - create new file
  • File Navigation
    • ,t - in current folder (powered by ctrlp)
    • ,b - in buffer (powered by fzf)
    • ,ag - using fuzzy search (powered by fzf)
      • <Tab> - select files which needs to change
      • :cfdo %s/old/new/g | update - search, replace and update multiple files
  • Diff
    • :windo diffthis - diff check for active files
  • Git
    • gva - browse changes of commits of all files
    • gvc - browse changes of commits of current file
    • gs - git status (next: <C-n>, prev: <C-p>)
    • gb - git blame
    • gd - git diff
    • gj - next hunk
    • gk - prev hunk
    • gu - undo changes of current hunk
    • gp - see changes of current hunk
  • Editing
    • splitjoin
      • sj - split brackets
      • sk - join brackets
    • easy-align
      • ga - active easy align (must do visual select first)
    • multiple-cursors
      • ,mc - multiple cursor (next: <C-n>, prev: <C-p>, skip: <C-x>)
      • ,ma - multiple cursor select all words
    • gp
      • ,k - (normal) send GPT prompt and append result
      • ,k - (visual) send GPT prompt and rewrite selected content
      • ,p - (normal) send GPT prompt and show result on a popup
      • ,K - stop GPT generating
    • coc
      • ej - next diagnostic
      • ek - prev diagnostic
      • ,df - show definition in floating window
      • ,jd - go to definition
      • ,jr - list references
      • ,rn - symbol renaming
      • ,rf - file renaming (require watchman to be installed)
      • ,ac - show code action dialog
    • jsdoc
      • ,cj - create jsdoc for function
    • camelsnek
      • ,,c - convert to cammel case
      • ,,s - convert to snake case
    • px-to-rem
      • ,,r - convert to rem
      • ,,p - convert to px
    • misc
      • :%s/old/new/g - search and replace for the current file
      • :vimgrep /old/g **/* > :cfdo %s/old/new/g | update - search and repalce for all files
      • :e ++ff=dos - convert ^M to unix line ending
      • gc - comment / uncomment
      • // - clear search result
      • % - jump to closing tag
      • <\-p> - prettify
      • <\-f> - eslint autofix


  • z - cd to a folder using fuzzy search
  • ctrl+r - fuzzy search for used commands
  • ping - display pretty ping
  • top - awesome interactive process viewer
  • ctop - docker terminal UI
  • find - improved file search
  • l - list files in the current folder with details
  • cat - print beautified file contents
  • jq - JSON text parser (e.g. echo '{"a": 1}' | jq .a)
  • man - neat man pages (e.g. man ls)
  • http|https - friendly HTTP request tool
  • wifi-password - retrieve the connected WiFi password
  • port - list listening ports
  • icloud - navigate to the iCloud directory
  • q - query from instant snippets
  • qup - update instant snippets repository
  • exiftool - print image metadata


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