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Dedicated Server Instructions

tpan496 edited this page Apr 5, 2021 · 2 revisions

Default Config

You don't need to add anything extra! Just make sure you set gamemode to horde.

Custom Config

As you might already know there are two ways of setting up custom configs:

  1. Client UI. To use this on a dedicated server, you need to put
horde_default_item_config = 0
horde_default_enemy_config = 0

In autoexec.cfg. Then you can edit stuff in your shop. A quick way to setup the config is just to put your item.txt or enemy.txt into your server's data folder.

  1. Lua Scripting.
-- These two don't matter
-- horde_default_item_config = 0
-- horde_default_enemy_config = 0

horde_external_lua_config "custom-config"
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