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Enemy Config

tpan496 edited this page Mar 14, 2021 · 10 revisions



Spawn weight of enemy. If A=2, B=1, and A, B are the only 2 enemies being spawned during a wave, then A has twice the chance of spawning than B.

Spawn Limit

Limits the maximum number of a spawned enemy. Note that you don't want to set too many spawn limits on enemies since it is possible for the director to just skip a spawn if the spawned enemy count hits the spawn limit. If you abuse this, it can also cause the round not to be able to end. So please use this sparingly.

Boss Modifiers


Elite monsters scale health based on the number of players.


Boss monsters scale health based on the number of players. Please note that when a boss dies, every player will receive the same kill reward.

  • End Wave On Death: When checked, the wave ends as soon as the boss dies.
  • Spawn Unlimited Enemies: When the boss is alive, enemies will spawn infinitely. If you checked this, make sure you check End Wave On Death or the wave will go on infinitely.
  • Spawn Enemies When Health Dropped to x: Set this to 1 if you want enemies to always spawn. Set this to 0 then enemies will never spawn. Otherwise, enemies will spawn once the boss's health dropped to the ratio you sent.
  • Music: You need to set both the music and the duration. The music path should be relative to your sound folder (e.g. sound/boss/boss.mp3, input boss/boss.mp3). Make sure the music sample rate is either 11025, 22050, or 44100! The duration is used for looping the music. If no duration is set or duration is 0, then the music will not be looped.