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Project_1_Group: Valshop

When searching for and comparing items online, a consumer is often at a disadvantage as such information is generally located across many sites and different forums. Our solution is to create a web application where the user can select from various product categories and have the features and pricing data displayed in one location.

User Story

AS A price conscious consumer
I WANT to be able to price check items that I am interested in purchasing across multiple outlets
SO THAT I can ensure I am getting the best price and value

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN an application with form inputs
WHEN I select from a predined set of product categories
THEN I am presented with a data set that contains the feature listing and pricing information on several products from the available retailers. 
WHEN I select a given product
THEN I am directed to the offering retailer's site, where I make a purchase
GIVEN the current weather conditions in my area
THEN I can use that information to determine if I want to make my purchase online or in the store
WHEN I input a given retailer's name
THEN I am presented with that retailer's address

The following image demonstrates the application functionality:



© 2020 Valshop, Inc., Group 7 - Venus, Logique, Tim, Hatem, Muhammad


No description, website, or topics provided.






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