Bulk rename files and directories
f Rename files
d Rename directories
r Recursive run
c Capitalize words - Note: This will capitalize everything in path, regardless of the matching.
i Ignore extensions (in combination with <f>)
Operations (output is grouped by allowed combinations):
--keep-left=<int> Keep <int> characters on left
--keep-right=<int> Keep <int> characters on right
--replace=<str> Replace <str>
--with=<str> With <str>
null => replace with nothing
space => replace with space
--insert=<str> Insert <str> at start
--at=<int> Insert <str> at <int>
--append=<str> Append <str> to end
--strip-left=<int> Strip <int> characters from start
--strip-right=<int> Strip <int> characters from end
--file-as-parent=<search_file_name> rename <search_file_name> to match parent directory name
--move-up Move file un one directory
By default, only task output is displayed - no renaming or moving is done. To perform the actual task, use the production run switch
--make-it-so Do a production run
--dump Print detected arguments
--verbose Verbose output
bulky.py --options=fdi --path=/temp/directory --replace=hello --with=world
bulky.py --options=fr --path=/temp/directory --keep-left=10 --keep-right=5
bulky.py --options=fc --path=/temp/directory --strip-left=5 --strip-right=5
bulky.py --options=f --path=/temp/directory --insert=hello --at=4 --append=world
bulky.py --path=/temp/directory --file-as-parent=file.ext --move-up --make-it-so