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ed25519 signature generation and verification


npm install --save trackthis-ecdsa


Signing and verifying data

const lib     =       require('trackthis-ecdsa');
const seed    =       lib.createSeed();
const keypair = await lib.createKeyPair(seed);
const msg     =       Buffer.from('hello there');
const sig     = await keypair.sign(msg);

console.log(await keypair.verify(sig, msg)); // true

Storing keypairs

const lib     =       require('trackthis-ecdsa');
const fs      =       require('fs');
const seed    =       lib.createSeed();
const keypair = await lib.createKeyPair();

fs.writeFileSync('keys.json', JSON.stringify({
  publicKey: keypair.publicKey.toString('base64'),
  secretKey: keypair.secretKey.toString('base64'),

Loading keypairs

const lib = require('trackthis-ecdsa');
const fs  = require('fs');

const base64keys = require('./keys.json');
const keypair = lib.keyPairFrom({
  publicKey: Buffer.from(base64keys.publicKey, 'base64'),
  secretKey: Buffer.from(base64keys.secretKey, 'base64'),



Generates 32-byte seed using Math.random. Using a different random-generator which is cryptographically secure is strongly advised.

lib.keyPairFrom( data )

Generates a keypair containing the .sign and .verify functions

lib.createKeyPair( seed )

Generates a keypair from the provided 32-byte seed with the following properties:

  • arguments:
    • seed - a 32-byte byffer
  • returns:
    • keypair.publicKey - A 32-byte public key as a buffer
    • keypair.secretKey - A 64-byte secret key as a buffer
    • keypair.sign - Function to sign a message using the keypair
    • keypair.verify - Function to verify a signature using the keypair

lib.sign( msg, publicKey, secretKey )

Sign a message using the given keypair.

  • arguments:
    • msg - A buffer representing the message
    • publicKey - A 32-byte public key as a buffer
    • secretKey - A 64-byte secret key as a buffer
  • returns:
    • signature - A 64-byte buffer

lib.verify( sig, msg, publicKey )


keypair.sign( msg )


keypair.verify( sig, msg )