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Adán Sánchez de Pedro Crespo edited this page Aug 12, 2016 · 10 revisions

Is Trailbot ready for production?

Not yet. Consider this Developer Preview to be a pre-alpha. You can play with it as much as you want, but don't rely exclusively on it for securing all your sensitive digital assets yet.

How much does Trailbot cost?

Trailbot Developer Preview is completely free of charge.

What about privacy?

Trailbot encrypts all data, events and settings before sending it though the network by using strong asymmetric cryptography (PGP with 4096 bits RSA keys). You will be the only one holding the keys for decryption and no one will be able to read any of your data—not even us 💣

In addition, all communication between the three Trailbot components (Client, Vault and Watcher) happens through TLS-enabled Secure Web Sockets with HSTS.

Which operating systems does Trailbot support?


The watcher has been designed and optimized for usage in GNU/Linux. It should work flawlessly in Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, Fedora, Gentoo, openSUSE, Red Hat and many other popular distributions as long as they have:

  • A proper package manager (apt, yum, pacman).
  • Support for nodejs > 6.0
  • systemd or upstart


The client can run on GNU/Linux, OS X, Windows and virtually any OS with support for nodejs > 5.0 and Electron.


The compatibility of the vault is quite the same as the watcher's.

Can I monitor several servers?

Yes, you can.

Can I monitor several files?

Yes, you can.

Can I control one watcher from several clients?

No, currently every watcher can only be linked with one client and only one watcher can be installed in one server.

Support for more than one client per watcher may be added in the future.

How cool is Trailbot compared to similar products?

Trailbot Graylog Alienvault
Unlimited logging
Blockchain-backed logs
End-to-end encryption
Extensible through policies
Setup ease (no. of commands) 4 ~50 ~50

How will Trailbot be licensed?

The Trailbot watcher, client and vault are available under the MIT License.