The code and dataset for paper "ABNE: An Attention Based Network Embedding for User Alignment Across Social Networks"
With the permission of sharing anonymous twitter_foursquare data from Prof.Jiawei Zhang, we share the anonymous data and code of IONE here. Note that the data and code only can be used for research purposes.
When running the code, firstly check the to make sure that the path of the data is correct.
Description of Data directory
following.number: the relation file, "1 2" means user 1 is the follower of user 2.
embeddings directory for storing the embedding generated by ABNE model.
the same as the foursquare fold
groundtruth.x.foldtrain.train.number, the traning anchors, which are the 0.x of all the anchors.
groundtruth.x.foldtrain.test.number, the testing anchors, which are the 1-0.x of all the anchors.
Note that users only appear in the "groundtruth.number" file are the training anchors (even there are some uses have same ids, they are not anchors)
Run the for the embeddings. There are several parameters in the main function: attention_epoch for the Vanilla_Attn iteration, embedding_epoch for embedding algorithm iteration, total_iter for the outmost iteration, dimension for the dimensions, train_ratio for the training set ratio.
There are several file generated after runing the
is the ABNE(Attn) embedding file for twitter(foursquare). The exact filename is based on the parameter setttings.
For instance, twitter.Attn.embedding.2_itercount.9.number.100_dim.10000000
Besides, there are other attention relation files generated in the twitter/foursquare directory
For instance, following.number.9.attn
based on the train_ratio parameter settings.
Run the for evaluation, here we provide a sample for the ABEN model with dimension=100 and train_ratio=9. If you want to get results with other parameter settings, pls change the temp_string as the corresponding generated embedding file.
By the way, the you can find the IONE model at which is used as one baseline in this paper
Feel free to contact me (Liu Li when you have any problems about the paper or the code.