This is the simple web server which can read a static files.
I cannot confirm the latest static resource when I manage the static resources such as html or the image in git if there is not git environment.
I made Simple static file viewer to solve it.
I use Alpine linux-based nginx and can use it in familiar UI by autoindex.
It is lightweight and is simple and can easily customize it by nginx which got used to treating it.
それを解決するため、Simple static file viewerを作りました。
Alpine linuxベースのnginxを利用しており、autoindexによる見慣れたUIで使う事ができます。
- Dcoker v17
- docker-compose v1.11
- Alpine linux v1.12.0
- nginx v1.12.0
- Docker
- docker-compose
Change the version of docker-compose.yml from 3 to 2 when you use docker which does not support v3 of docker-compose.
- git clone
- docker-compose up -d
- copy static files to htdocs directory.
- browse http://localhost:8081/
Edit docker-compose.yml.
- LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8
Edit docker-compose.yml.
- TZ=Asia/Tokyo
Customize default.conf freely.
default.conf is read as follows by nginx.conf.
include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;
In Docker for mac, xhyve is used for virtualization, but the problem that the same period of the time cannot perform during sleep of macOS is reported.
Docker for macは仮想化にxhyveが使われていますが、macOSのスリープ中に時刻の同期が行えていない問題が報告されています。
Time drift in Moby VM and containers caused by system sleep #17