This is an app for the Wemos-based TFT display, presenting the pollution level:
When the device starts, it creates a wifi network, called AQI LCD
. Please connect to it, to configure the wifi network and the sensor URL. For now, two sensor types are supported:
- reads the JSON from the, eg.
- reads data from a local, Sensor.Community sensor. The URL looks like this:
After saving the configuration, the device will be connected to the configured network.
Hitting the "Reset" button twice will reset the device in AP mode, creating the AQI LCD
network again.
The project uses It can be build and uploaded with:
pio run -t upload -e lcd
Hardware is available at the Nettigo's website:
AQI-LCD can be build in an alternative mode, in which the WS2812-based LED driver is used to display the pollution level:
pio run -t upload -e led
By default it assumes that a 60-LED strip is connected to the D4
pin on Wemos. It can be configured with the build flags set in the platformio.ini:
-DLED_COUNT=60 # how many LEDs (ring=16, stripe=60)
-DLED_PIN=2 # D4 on wemost
-DBRIGHTNESS=25 # max: 255
pio run -t upload -e led-matrix
Hardware info: