npm run dev # local server for development
npm run build # build production site into dist/ folder
public/ --- files copied directly to build
├── assets/ --- general assets
├── content/docs/ --- collection for all site content
│ ├── blog/ --- files for blog section
│ │ ├── assets/... --- assets for blog posts
│ │ └── profile/... --- individual profiles
│ ├── explanation/... --- explanation section
│ ├── getting-started/... --- getting started section
│ ├── guides/... --- guide section
│ │ ├── audio/... --- SuperDirt and SuperCollider specific guides
│ │ └── tidal/... --- Tidal-specific guides
│ ├── introduction/... --- introduction section
│ ├── reference/... --- reference section
│ │ ├── config/... --- config reference
│ │ ├── functions/... --- Tidal functions (autogen)
│ │ ├── mini-notation/... --- mini-notation reference
│ │ └── superdirt/... --- superdirt reference
│ └── index.mdx --- homepage
├── pages/ --- manually structured pages (not used)
│ └── og/[...slug].ts --- opengraph images endpoint
├── styles/custom.css --- custom css
astro.config.mjs --- all site config, sidebars, etc.
package.json --- npm configuration, dependencies --- this file
tailwind.config.mjs --- tailwind config, theming
- Introduction: what is Tidal, what is it used for, what has it been used for, who are the community, etc.
- Getting started: how to get up and running from scratch, to making a first sound.
- Guides: all guides to do a specific thing that isn't necessary to know at first.
- Explanation: in-depth theoretical explanation of internal workings.
- Reference: lists of, e.g., functions or options and their descriptions, perhaps with an example; could perhaps be autogenerated.
The specific pages are:
- Introduction
- What is Tidal? [what it is; what it is used for; the components of the stack; the concept: cycles and patterns]
- Showcase [select performances / releases; list of artists; academic publications; ...]
- Community [links to platforms, forum]
- Related projects [livecoding projects, inspired / inspired by; e.g., tidal-vis ...]
- Getting started
- Installation
- Tutorial [getting from installed to first sounds, then to sounding like something (introduce to basic usage of stuff, incl. mini-notation) (can be multiple pages)]
- currently: cycles, patterns, controls, control patterns, pattern players
- Guides [how to do specific things that aren't necessary to know at first; address common questions like "how do I get Tidal to do X?"; page titles should follow from "How to ..." / start with a verb; can perhaps be organised into subsections, or we can rely on search; the below are examples]
- Coding with Tidal
- Create patterns
- Write arpeggios
- Write chords
- Write rhythms
- Use generative algorithms
- Modify patterns
- Combine patterns
- Restructure your patterns using functions
- Transition between patterns
- Combine samples
- Assign the actual notes to the samples
- Slice your samples and rearrange their contents
- Trim samples and deal with overlaps
- Continuous modulators
- Modify ongoing sounds with control busses
- Modulate parameters with signals
- Shift time
- Set tempos and global time signatures
- Trigger a pattern from the start
- Combine functions
- Chain functions with $
- Compose functions with .
- Manage state
- Traverse through lists with state values
- Create patterns
- Audio
- Add effects to SuperDirt
- Add samples to Tidal
- Add synthesisers to SuperDirt
- Add audio channels
- Control latency
- Reduce sample load memory and startup time
- Run SuperDirt in another host
- Protect everyone's ears with a limiter
- Connections
- Send control voltage out
- Connect to a DAW
- Send and receive MIDI
- Use Tidal with multiple users
- Send OSC elsewhere
- Visualise Tidal events
- Coding with Tidal
- Explanation [more in-depth theoretical explanation of internals; Haskell stuff; these suggestions by ninioArtillero on Discord]
- The Haskell language [left and right associativity, layout rules]
- The Pattern data type
- Types and typeclasses [crash course]
- FRP and pattern semantics
- The SuperDirt OSC interface
- Reference
- Tidal
- Configuration
- Functions [technical documentation, lists of functions; autogenerate]
- Mini-notation
- ...
- Time shorthand
- SuperDirt
- Configuration
- Default library
- Samples
- Audio effects
- Synthesisers
- ...
- Tidal