alias : trimChar trim(value, charToTrim)
Removes a character or string from the left and right side of a string
var isiString = require( 'isi-string' );
isiString.trim("__unformated string__", '_' );
// -> unformated string
isiString.trim(",unformated string,", ',' );
// -> unformated string
split(value, charToSplit)
Splits an array and removes empty entries
var isiString = require( 'isi-string' );
isiString.split("Hello World", ' ' );
// -> ['Hello', 'World']
isiString.split("Hello,World,,,", ',' );
// -> ['Hello', 'World']
removeFromRight(value, amountToRemove)
removes characters from the right
var isiString = require( 'isi-string' );
isiString.removeFromRight("Hello World", 3 );
// -> Hello Wo
- added function to remove chars from the right: removeFromRight
- little docu improvement
- trim all splitted values