All my Nix systems and home-manager config.
For regular system updates, just run make system
For updating just home, run make home
or just make
For bootstrapping a fresh NixOS install as root:
nix-shell -p git gnumake
git clone
cd nix-systems
make system
# Specify actual desired user here
sudo -u evertras make home EVERTRAS_USER_PROFILE="some-profile-name"
# Set user profile here, direnv will use this later outside of root
cp .envrc.example .envrc
reboot now
Could not find suitable profile directory, tried /home/evertras/.local/state/home-manager/profiles and /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/evertras
# The error message is misleading, make this directory
mkdir -p ~/.local/state/nix/profiles/
When running on a non-NixOS machine, problems may happen with OpenGL such as with Kitty.
Use nixGL to get around this.
nixGL kitty
- Explore better types like nonEmptyString
- More enum checks with asserts for things like desktop as "i3"
I get bored with fonts so here's a list of the nerd fonts that I actually like, as a reminder to myself.
For just focusing.
- CaskaydiaCove - Solid baseline when all else fails, bit wider
- Hasklug - Default go-to for ligatures, clean
Feeling different but still "boring".
- AurulentSansM - Soft/clean, not sure if I like 0 without dot
- BitstromWera - Clean/simple
- CodeNewRoman - Clean/simple
- Cousine - Clear, simple
- JetBrainsMono - Clean, ligatures
- Literation - Wider
- OverpassM - Thinner, simple
- RobotoMono - Clean, simple
- UbuntuMono - Feels like Ubuntu, yep
To change it up.
- Agave Nerd - kind of old school sharp feel
- ComicShannsMono - Casual and surprisingly nice to read
- FantasqueSansM - Bit whimsical
- Gohu Font 14 - Pixel font, sharp at size 14 - can use 11 as well for tiny readable font
- Hurmit - Fun change in small doses
- Iosevka - Feels squished horizontally but still clean
- Monofur - Thin stroke with round characters
- Monoid - Bigger, but ligatures
- Mononoki - Just feels different, hard to describe
- OpenDyslexicM - Weirdly stroked characters, wider
- ProFont IIx - Pixel font, nicely sharp
- ProggyClean - Works for very small font sizes, not great at larger
- ShureTechMono - Bit squished, hard to describe
- SpaceMono - Extra space between lines
- Terminess - Works nicely for windows/titles but not so much terminal
# Build it as a VM, then run the output link it gives
nixos-rebuild build-vm --flake .#HOSTNAME
# Alternatively using nix command
nix build ''
# Or just run it directly
nix run ''
# Run it without even cloning this repo
nix run 'github:Evertras/'