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This is the README file for LSAT (Linux Security Auditing Tool)

NOTE: This is still BETA software. Pretty sure it will not break anything,
and as of this writing it will not change any files on the system. 

The homepage for lsat is
The backup homepage is


Linux Security Auditing Tool (LSAT) is a post install security 
auditing tool. It is modular in design, so new features can be added 
quickly. It checks inetd entries and scans for unneeded RPM packages. 
It is being expanded to work with Linux distributions other than Red Hat, 
and checks for kernel versions. 

See changelog/changelog.html for changes.
Current working systems:

LSAT currently compiles and works under RedHat 5.x, 6.x, 7.x, 8.x, 9.x and 
Gentoo linux systems. (tested on RedHat 8,9 and Gentoo 1.4).
It has recently been tested under Debian 9, Linux Mint 18, CentOS 7, 
and should work fine under slackware and other linux distributions. 

The goal is to have it work under many *NIX systems, including but not
limited to Solaris, Debian, RedHat (and derivatives), FreeBSD etc.

LSAT was intended to build with a minimal of fuss, but it does require
one thing that is not installed on some systems (I have heard this
from Suse users in particular). popt. If make fails or complains about
popt, please install the popt-devel package as you need the popt header

Other things that would be nice, but LSAT will run without:
To be clear, the following are OPTIONAL, but are useful anyhows,
and LSAT will use them if you have them to give you more information.

nmap    Yes LSAT calls nmap to do that one extra scan of your ip address.
lsof    This is not installed by default on many systems.  Your distribution
        most probably has a package of this ready to be installed.
ip      This is on newer redhat boxen, replaces ipconfig, gives more output.
sha512sum This is on most new systems by default, even Mac OS X.

LSAT now has autoconf: building should just be (in the lsat-<version> dir:


If you like you can do a:

make install

after the make. This will place lsat in /usr/local/bin and man pages
in /usr/local/man.

If you want to clean the config files, etc, do a:

make clean

If you want it to be as if you just unpacked the tarball do:

make cleanall


To run the program:

./lsat [OPTIONS]


        -d                      diff current and old md5, output in lsatmd5.diff
        -f <distribution>       Force a specific distribution test.
        Distro names are:
                                If no -f option, lsat will guess. If lsat can
                                not guess the distribution, default is redhat.
        -a                      Show this (advanced) help page
        -o <filename>           Output file name -- default is lsat.out
        -r                      Check rpm integrity -- redhat or mandrake only
        -s                      Silent mode
        -v                      Verbose output
        -w                      Output file in html format
        -x <filename>           eXclude module(s) in filelist from checks...
                                modules listed in filename will be excluded
                                from checks. Valid module names are the module
                                names themselves without the check.
                                (e.g. set not checkset)

NOTE: The valid names for the -x (exclude) option are the following:
pkgs, rpm, inetd, inittab, logging, set, write, dotfiles, passwd, files,
umask, ftpusers, rc, kbd, limits, ssh, open, issue, www, md5, modules, 
securetty, perms, net, forward, promisc, listening, cfg, bpass, ipv4, startx,
ftp, disk, services, hostfiles, pkgupdate and passtime.
These should be in a text file in the working directory where lsat
is called from, and can be comma, whitespace/tab or newline delimited.

Any number of options can be specified on the command line.

This may take some time on older systems as it (at some point in time) does
an rpm -qa while checking installed packages. It also checks all SETUID and
SETGID files on the system. (On my Sun sparc20 running Mandrake at 80mhz, it
can take quite a while)

The output is in the file in the directory where lsatmain was run and 
should be called lsat.out. If you have previously run lsatmain then the
previous output will be moved to lsat.old. This is so that you may check
your imcremental security improvements to the system.


Please see modules.html for info on modules or 
writing modules.
Plain text version is README.modules

This software is licensed under the GNU/GPL, please see
for more detals.

I am number9. Sometimes known as Triode. My personal page is at 

You may reach me at