File name normalizer that renames files and folder removing special characters. Contains a mighty chunk of extra opinionated renaming rules.
Renaming schemes are stored inside the replacer_schemes.yaml
file that contains a list of replace rules. A single rule consists of a regular expression and a replacement. All rules are processed in order from top to bottom. Here is what they look like.
- rx: ä
nu: ae
- rx: ö
nu: oe
- rx: ü
nu: ue
- rx: ß
nu: ss
- rx: (à|á|â|ã|å)
nu: a
- rx: (è|é|ê|ë)
nu: e
- rx: (í|ì|î|ĩ|ï)
nu: i
- rx: (ò|ó|ô|õ)
nu: o
- rx: (ù|ú|û)
nu: u
- rx: ç
nu: c
- rx: " "
nu: _
- rx: "[^a-z0-9_-]+"
nu: _
- rx: (_-|-_)
nu: _
- rx: "-+"
nu: "-"
- rx: _+
nu: _
- rx: _$
nu: ""
- rx: "([a-z]+)_([0-9]{1,2})$"
nu: "$1$2"
rename files removing special characters, leave only those that do not need to
be escaped in shell
-h, --help Show context-sensitive help.
-f, --folder="/home/ole/rolling/golang/projects/fnn/src"
root folder in which to run the renamer,
default is current folder
-m, --matcher=".*" regex matcher, process only paths that fit the
-r, --recursive recurse into sub directories, default is none
-l, --log-file="/dev/stdout" log file
-e, --log-level="info" log level
-c, --log-no-colors disable output colours, print plain text
-j, --log-json enable json log, instead of text one
-n, --dry-run debug mode
-V, --version-flag display version
Warning. Use this software at your own risk. I may not be hold responsible for any data loss, starving your kittens or losing the bling bling powerpoint presentation you made to impress human resources with the efficiency of your employee's performance.