- The map is provided with 5 places each with a marker when the map is loaded
- Clicking on the marker shows the panoramic view for that place as well as related New York Times articles for the same.
- You can also see the contents of the info-window by clicking on the 'Push Me ✋' button and clicking on the options in the list-view .
- Another way is to use the search bar you see after clicking the 'Push Me ✋' button.
- The map sets to its original position after an info-window is closed for making it more user friendly.
- For Mobile Users- Close the side bar when you click on the item on the list to get a better view of the info-window Enjoy the Neighbourhood💁
- Go to the link https://github.com/trishh088/Final-neighbourhood-map
- Click on Clone/Download and Choose Open in Desktop/Download Zip which ever is convenient.
- Open the index.html file to run the app on your local PC.
- The css file is for styling the page and app.js is the javascript file located in the lib folder.