pip install -r requirements.txt
In the first reference, there is a formula to find x-axis of 2 intersection spheres have same y-axis and z-axis
Depend on the above formula, we can use a points as origin and 3 points on 3 axis, then we can use origin and 1 in 3 of them to find the corresponding axis
Config TEST_MODE to True
Config data in data.txt as format
0, 0, 0 , distance
x_axis, 0, 0 , distance
0, y_axis, 0 , distance
0, 0, z_axis , distance https://github.com/tritdm/test
python3 position.py data.txt
Config x_axis, y_axis, z_axis
Anchor positions will have format
0, 0, 0
x_axis, 0, 0
0, y_axis, 0
0, 0, z_axis
Config TEST_MODE to False
Connect serial (remember to adjust baudrate) and transmit data, change data format to fit the use
python3 position.py