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Booking service for hotels, rooms and private homes like, trivago, etc.


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Booking service for hotels, rooms and private homes like, trivago, etc. With personal accounts for the buyer, seller and administrators of the platform, with different variants of calculation (both at check-in and online)


  • Backend

    • C ++ The prerequisite for the creation of this project
    • Userver framework Ready service solution, to spend time only on writing the logic of the service, writing handlers and work with the database
    • next.js Read more in the frontend
  • Frontend

    • TypeScript Typed js, will simplify data validation and help detect errors at compile time
    • Next.js Setting up over React with the backend, the choice fell on this particular framework because of the preender on the server side (for indexing by search engines), improved work with React components (will be detected only those components that need to be displayed), as well as the presence of routing, improved optimization and support for integration with other frameworks
    • Eslint For fast refactoring according to predefined rules and for detecting errors while writing code
    • Redux toolkit An improved version of Redux, which solves some of its problems, is a tool for managing data state and UI in JavaScript applications with a large number of entities.
    • Tailwind Offers pre-designed widgets for building a site from scratch with quick UI development, while Bootstrap comes with a set of pre-styled adaptive mobile components that have a defined UI set.


It is possible to run on Linux and with Docker


First, you need to clone the repository

git clone

Then you need make and g++ to compile, install them.

Next, run one of the build options, either debug build or release build, respectively:

make build-debug


make build-release

Framework will check which dependencies are missing and ask you to install them, just follow its instructions

Launch build

  • Go to the build directory (build_debug or build_release)
  • To run it for the first time, write in the console
make start-booking_cpp_userver
  • For subsequent runs, write in the console
make start-booking_cpp_userver/fast


Makefile contains typicaly useful targets for development:

  • make build-debug - debug build of the service with all the assertions and sanitizers enabled
  • make build-release - release build of the service with LTO
  • make test-debug - does a make build-debug and runs all the tests on the result
  • make test-release - does a make build-release and runs all the tests on the result
  • make service-start-debug - builds the service in debug mode and starts it
  • make service-start-release - builds the service in release mode and starts it
  • make or make all - builds and runs all the tests in release and debug modes
  • make format - autoformat all the C++ and Python sources
  • make clean- - cleans the object files
  • make dist-clean - clean all, including the CMake cached configurations
  • make install - does a make build-release and run install in directory set in environment PREFIX
  • make install-debug - does a make build-debug and runs install in directory set in environment PREFIX
  • make docker-COMMAND - run make COMMAND in docker environment
  • make docker-build-debug - debug build of the service with all the assertions and sanitizers enabled in docker environment
  • make docker-test-debug - does a make build-debug and runs all the tests on the result in docker environment
  • make docker-start-service-release - does a make install-release and runs service in docker environment
  • make docker-start-service-debug - does a make install-debug and runs service in docker environment
  • make docker-clean-data - stop docker containers

Edit Makefile.local to change the default configuration and build options.


GNU General Public License v3.0

Permissions of this strong copyleft license are conditioned on making available complete source code of licensed works and modifications, which include larger works using a licensed work, under the same license. Copyright and license notices must be preserved. Contributors provide an express grant of patent rights.

Userver template license

The original template is distributed under the Apache-2.0 License and CLA. Services based on the template may change the license and CLA.