Make your own dictionary with a personal, flexible lexicon.
You will need the following libraries:
* express
* path
* express-session
* express-handlebars
* connect-session-sequelize
* mysql2
* bcrypt
* choreographer-js
* dotenv
* sequelize
You will need a .env to create the lexiconne_db database, a username (root) and password. To initialize, open the CRM and run "mysql -u root -p". Enter your password. Then USE lexiconne_db; . Then source from db/schema.sql. (Occassionally, I have had to source the absolute path.) In your code editor, run "npm run seed" to seed the app. A validation message should appear. Then run "npm start" to start the app.
This project is license under ${data.license}
Made By: Franklin Brown, Giovanna Roach, Angel Sanchez, Taylor Vaughn
If you have any questions about this projects, please contact us directly at . You can view more of my projects at,,,