The International House of Loading Programs
IHLP is a cross-platform program designed as a lightweight helper for infrastructure management.
It compliments tools like Terraform and Serverless Framework, adding pre-deployment (like installing specific Terraform versions or initializing per-environment Terraform backends) and post-deployment (like syncing files to a S3 bucket and invalidating their CloudFront distribution cache) actions.
Its variable system facilitates moving configuration values between tools, e.g. using CloudFormation stack output values in Terraform backend configuration.
Install ihlp
via npm, e.g.:
mkdir myproject
cd myproject
npx ihlp init
The initialization process will have you choose a starter template. Custom it and deploy it via npx ihlp deploy -e dev
Doc site is available here.
- Enabling safe GitOps workflows:
- When rolling back changes, previous working builds (e.g. AWS Lambda functions or React sites) will be automatically used instead of rebuilding them
- Combining multiple deployment systems (e.g. CloudFormation or Azure Resource Manager alongside Terraform, or Terraform and Serverless Framework)
- Combining multiple Terraform projects
- Enforce Terraform execution best-practices:
- Use of Workspaces
- Retrieving any module updates before plan/apply