An OTP library for decoding JSON, that doesn't stop at decoding JSON.
The main idea behind dj
is to combine the decoding, validation, and conversion
of JSON data. Let's look at an example. Given the following JSON:
"foo": 42,
"date": "2001-01-01",
"baz": "quux",
"scores": [1, 2, 3]
This code:
Decoder = dj:to_map(#{ foo => dj:field(foo, dj:pos_integer())
, bar => dj:one_of([ dj:field(bar, dj:neg_integer())
, dj:succeed(-23)
, date => dj:field(date, dj:full_date_tuple(rfc3339))
, baz => dj:field(baz, dj:atom([quux, quuux]))
, scores => dj:field(scores, dj:list(dj:pos_integer()))
dj:decode(Json, Decoder).
Will return:
{ok, #{ foo => 42
, bar => -23
, date => {2001, 1, 1}
, baz => quux
, scores => [1, 2, 3]