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What is it ?

A package to manage forms in Meteor.

Ideally this would be an extension of aldeed:autoform, but this later is not yet Meteor 3.0 compatible, while the previous pwix:core-app.FormChecker family was already async-ready.


At the root of all, we have individual fields.

Each field must be checked both on client side, and on server side. Check functions are mutualized, and so are all aysnc.

Fields must be checked each against others at the level of the display unit (what the user actually sees). For example, in a tabbed page, each tab should be created and organized following a business logical, and so should the checks (and the error messages).

In the above example, the whole page should be checked for consistency, so another level of checks.

And, because a tab may itself include a tab, which itself may include another level of tabs, and so on, there must not be any limit to the count of levels of checks.

So each field definition (see below) can be included in a panel, and will be managed by a Forms.Checker associated to this panel.

Each Forms.Checker may itself be a child of some other Forms.Checker (for example the page of tabbed panes) up to having no more parent. We build an arbitrary depth of Forms.Checker's hierarchy.


This Meteor package is installable with the usual command:

    meteor add pwix:forms


    import { Forms } from 'meteor/pwix:forms';

    const panel = new Forms.Panel({
        username: {
            js: '.js-username'
        loginAllowed: {
            js: '.js-login-allowed'

    const checker = new Forms.Checker( self, {
        panel: panel.iPanelPlus( fieldsSet ),
        data: {
            item: Template.currentData().item



The exported Forms global object provides following items:



See below.


Returns the i18n namespace used by the package. Used to add translations at runtime.

Available both on the client and the server.



An interface whichs adds to the implementor the capability of being checked (.e. have a check() function), and to provide the expected result.

Each implementation instance is provided a random unique identifier at instanciation time. This identifier let us manages the published TypedMessage's by emitter.

Both Checker and FormField classes implement this interface.


A simple interface to let the calling application manage the stack of messages provided by the check functions.

Available methods are:

  • Forms.IMessager.iMessagerClear()

Clear the message displayed in the message zone.

  • Forms.IMessager.iMessagerDump()

Dump the full content of the messages stack.

  • Forms.IMessager.iMessagerFirst()

Returns the first pushed message in level order.

  • Forms.IMessager.iMessagerLast()

Returns the last pushed message in level order.

  • Forms.IMessager.iMessagerPush( message<TypedMessage>, id<String> )

Push a new message to the messages stack.

  • Forms.IMessager.iMessagerRemove( ids<Array> )

Remove from the messages stack those published by the provided ICheckable identifiers.



This is the class which manages all the checks to be done in a panel, publishing relevant messages if any.

It should be instanciated as a ReactiveVar when the DOM is rendered.


    Template.myPanel.onRendered( function(){
        const self = this;
        // initialize the Checker for this panel as soon as we get the parent Checker
        self.autorun(() => {
            const parentChecker = Template.currentData().checker.get();
            const checker = self.APP.checker.get();
            if( parentChecker && !checker ){
                self.APP.checker.set( new Forms.Checker( self, {
                    parent: parentChecker,
                    panel: self.APP.panel,
                    data: {
                        item: Template.currentData().item

Instanciation arguments:

  • self:

    • let us defines autorun() functions
    • provides a '$' jQuery operator which is tied to this template instance
    • provides the DOM element which will act as a global event receiver
    • provides the topmost DOM element to let us find all managed fields
  • an optional arguments object with following keys:

    • name: an optional instance name
    • parent: an optional parent Checker instance
    • messager: an optional IMessager implementation

      this is a caller's design decision to have a message zone per panel, or globalized at a higher level caller doesn't need to address a globalized messager at any lower panel: it is enough to identify the parent Checker (if any)

    • panel: an optional Panel instance which defines the managed fields
    • data: an optional data opaque object to be passed to check functions as additional argument
    • id: when the panel is array-ed, the row identifier; will be passed as an option to field-defined check function
    • $ok: an optional jQuery object which defines the OK button (to enable/disable it)
    • okFn( valid<Boolean> ): an optional function to be called when OK button must be enabled/disabled
    • fieldTypeShow: whether to display a field type indicator on the left of each field; this value overrides the configured default value; it only applies if the field is itself qualified with a 'type' in the Forms.FieldType set
    • fieldStatusShow: whether and how to display the result indicator on the right of the field; only considered if the corresponding package configured value is overridable
    • setForm: if set, the item to be used to fill-in the form at startup, defaulting to none
    • validityEvent: if set, the event used to advertize of each Checker validity status, defaulting to 'checker-validity'
    • parentClass: if set, the class to be set on the parent DIV inserted on top of each field, defaulting to 'form-indicators-parent'
    • rightSiblingClass: if set, the class to be set on the DIV inserted just after each field, defaulting to 'form-indicators-right-sibling'
    • enabled: whether the new checker will start with checks enabled, defaulting to true; a disabled Checker also stops messages up propagation
    • crossCheckFn: if set, a cross check function to be called after each field check when this later returns a valid status

Only available on the client.

crossCheckFn note:

The Checker behaviour is to call the defined field check function each time the corresponding input handler is run. The field check function should only check for an intrinsic validity as this is the source of the displayed field status. Nonetheless, cross checks are always needed to check one field against another, and so on. The result messages are pushed as usual, but do not change the fields status.

When installed at checker instanciation, the crossCheckFn function is called with teh configured data.

The Checker has also a Checker.crosshCheckFn() method which let any caller to add a cross check function to the checker. All functions are pushed in array, and called one in this same order. These functions must bring their own data arguments, which defaults to the data attached to the checker.

crosscheckFn protoype is: async crossCheckFn( data<Any>, opts<Object> ): null|Array<TypedMessage>.


Display the messages resulting from the done checks, as a stack ordered by level order first, and push time order then.


Let the calling application defines the fields managed in the panel, taking most of its values from a previously defined Field.Set object.


    import { Field } from 'meteor/pwix:field';
    import { Forms } from 'meteor/pwix:forms';

const panel = new Forms.Panel({
        username: {
            js: '.js-username'
        loginAllowed: {
            js: '.js-login-allowed'
    }, myCollection.fieldsSet );

Only available on the client.

Blaze components


Display an indicator about the check status of a field.


  • statusRv: a mandatory ReactiveVar which contains the ShowStatus to be displayed, among the possible values:

    • Forms.FieldStatus.C.INVALID,
    • Forms.FieldStatus.C.UNCOMPLETE,
    • Forms.FieldStatus.C.VALID,
    • Forms.FieldStatus.C.NONE.
  • classes: if set, a list of classes to be added to the default

  • title: if set, a text to replace the default title

  • invalidButton: if set to true, the Forms.FieldStatus.C.INVALID status is displayed as a button

  • uncompleteButton: if set to true, the Forms.FieldStatus.C.UNCOMPLETE status is displayed as a button

  • validButton: if set to true, the Forms.FieldStatus.C.VALID status is displayed as a button

  • buttonOnClick: a function to trigger on click on button


Display an indicator about the type of a field.


  • type: a constant among:

    • Forms.FieldType.C.INFO,
    • Forms.FieldType.C.OPTIONAL,
    • Forms.FieldType.C.MANDATORY,
    • Forms.FieldType.C.WORK.
  • classes: if set, a list of classes to be added to the default

  • title: if set, a text to replace the default title


Display the last pushed TypedMessage, depending of its level ordering.


  • messager: an Forms.IMessager-compliant object

  • classes: classes to be added to the displayed message whatever be its type, defaulting to none


The package's behavior can be configured through a call to the Forms.configure() method, with just a single javascript object argument, which itself should only contains the options you want override.

Known configuration options are:

  • fieldStatusShow

    Whether input fields should have a check status (none/valid/uncomplete/invalid) indicator, where available values are:

    • Forms.C.ShowStatus.NONE

      Do not show any status indicator

    • Forms.C.ShowStatus.BOOTSTRAP

      Uses the Bootstrap classes to indicate the status. Only applies to fields.

    • Forms.C.ShowStatus.INDICATOR

      Uses an icon indicator.

      On fields, the package is able to automatically append the indicator on the right of the field.

    • Forms.C.ShowStatus.TRANSPARENT

      Do not show any status indicator, but make it transparent allowing the user interface to keept a consistent width.

    Defaults to Forms.C.ShowStatus.INDICATOR.

    pwix:forms is able to automagically add a status indicator on the right of each field, unless this feature is disabled by the package configuration, or at the Checker level, or individually for each field.

    If the caller wishes an indicator at the panel level, it can use, in place or besides of fields indicators, the FormsStatusIndicator Blaze component.

  • fieldTypeShow

    Whether input fields should default to be prefixed with a type (mandatory/optional) indicator.

    Defaults to true.

    This default value can be overriden at the Checker level.

    This option only applies if the field is specified with a type value among:

    • Forms.FieldType.C.INFO
    • Forms.FieldType.C.MANDATORY
    • Forms.FieldType.C.OPTIONAL
    • Forms.FieldType.C.WORK
    • Forms.FieldType.C.NONE
  • showStatusOverridable

    Whether the previous fieldStatusShow is overridable when instanciating a Checker or specifying a field in the panel.

    Defaults to true.

  • showTypeOverridable

    Whether the previous fieldTypeShow is overridable when instanciating a Checker or specifying a field in the panel.

    Defaults to true.

  • verbosity

    Define the expected verbosity level.

    The accepted value can be any or-ed combination of following:

    • Forms.C.Verbose.NONE

      Do not display any trace log to the console

    • Forms.C.Verbose.CONFIGURE

      Trace Forms.configure() calls and their result

Please note that Forms.configure() method should be called in the same terms both in client and server sides.

Remind too that Meteor packages are instanciated at application level. They are so only configurable once, or, in other words, only one instance has to be or can be configured. Addtionnal calls to Forms.configure() will just override the previous one. You have been warned: only the application should configure a package.

Forms.configure() is a reactive data source.

NPM peer dependencies

Starting with v 0.3.0, and in accordance with advices from the Meteor Guide, we no more hardcode NPM dependencies in the Npm.depends clause of the package.js.

Instead we check npm versions of installed packages at runtime, on server startup, in development environment.

Dependencies as of v 1.3.0:

    'lodash': '^4.17.0',
    '@vestergaard-company/js-mixin': '^1.0.3'

Each of these dependencies should be installed at application level:

    meteor npm install <package> --save


New and updated translations are willingly accepted, and more than welcome. Just be kind enough to submit a PR on the Github repository.

Cookies and comparable technologies

None at the moment.

Issues & help

In case of support or error, please report your issue request to our Issues tracker.

P. Wieser

  • Last updated on 2024, Oct. 4th