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Grovy libraries and generic pipelines to simplify Test Environment-based test suites running using Jenkins CI/CD.


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Jenkins pipelines and shared library

The purpose of the code here is to simplify usage of Jenkins with TE and test suites.

Standalone pipelines

Some generic TE pipelines can be found in pipelines/ folder.


A pipeline for copying testing logs to the location where they should be stored. Testing job should trigger it once tests are finished.


A pipeline for removing old autogenerated files and compressing some files which cannot be regenerated. It helps to reduce disk space used for logs storage.


This pipeline defines a job for submitting testing logs to Bublik web application. Testing job should trigger it once tests are finished and logs are copied to the location where they can be accessed via URL by Bublik (see publish-logs pipeline).


A pipeline for building DPDK. Saves repository URL, branch and revision in an artifact.

Shared Jenkins library

The library defined in ./vars/ contains common Jenkins/Groovy code which can be used to define pipelines for specific test suites.

How to load the library

The most convenient way to use this library is by configuring it as global library in Jenkins (Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> Global Pipeline Libraries).

Use teLib name for it. Then you will be able to load this library at the beginning of your Jenkins files like

@Library('teLib') _

Pipeline templates

Shared library contains a few pipeline templates in ./vars/[template_name].groovy files. A pipeline template can be used to define a pipeline by calling [template_name] with a closure as its only argument:

[template_name] {
    // setting some variables and hooks which are expected by
    // the template

    ts_name = 'my-ts'
    other_template_param = true

    someHook = {
        if (params.some_param) {
            something = true
            metas.SOMETHING = true

    someOtherHook = {
        if (something) {
            teEmail.email_message("Some message")


All the code inside that closure has access to components of this library (defined in ./vars/) and to some common objects:

  • env: environment variables
  • params: pipeline parameters
  • metas: meta data to be saved in meta_data.json. This is a dictionary where you can set parameters. If you set value to null, it will be obtained from environment or pipeline context (which is used as delegate for your closure) if it is present there when the JSON file is generated.
  • all_revs: dictionary with repository URLs and revisions, should be manipulated with help of teRevData component
  • ts_stats: after tests were run, tests statistics is stored here
  • TS_SRC: path to test suite sources (after checkout)
  • teCtx: pipeline context (may be passed to some API functions; all the variables mentioned before are its fields)

A map is used as a delegate for the closure (teCtx), so that any undeclared variable set inside the closure is saved as a property of that map and becomes available to all code from it.

TS run pipeline template

Helper for defining a pipeline for running tests can be found in ./vars/teTsPipeline.groovy. It is described in comments there how to use it.

Scheduled testing pipeline template

Pipeline for running testing automatically according to a schedule can be defined with help of ./vars/teScheduledRunPipeline.groovy. See comments there.

Documentation building pipeline template

Helper for defining test suite documentation builder pipeline can be found in ./vars/teTsDocPipeline.

Helper libraries

Other groovy files in ./vars/ are helper library components. They are available to pipeline template hooks, for example:

revs = teRevData.load_revs()

List of currently available components:

  • teEmail: configuring email to be sent when pipeline finishes
  • teMeta: generating meta_data.json
  • teRevData: saving and loading information about revisions and repositories
  • teRun: helper for working with te/ts/ts-rigs/ts-conf repositories


teTsPipeline and teTsDocPipeline templates assume presence of the following repositories:

  • te: Test Environment
  • ts-rigs (optional): repository with information about test hosts and other site-specific data
  • ts-conf (optional): repository with common configuration files and scripts which are shared between test suites
  • test suite repository

Git URLs for these repositories may be either specified via job parameters:

  • te_repo
  • tsrigs_repo
  • tsconf_repo
  • ts_repo

or, more conveniently, via environment variables set in Manage Jenkins or in Jenkins files:


Job parameters have higher priority than these variables and can be used for testing different repositories.

If ts-rigs is present, pipeline templates will check whether jenkins/common.groovy is available there. If it is, they will load it and call set_defs(ctx) from it, letting it set some common variables. This way some variables may be specified in pipeline context and environment, for instance

  • ctx.TE_GIT_URL: TE repository URL
  • ctx.TSCONF_GIT_URL: ts-conf repository URL
  • env.TE_WORKSPACE_DIR: where temporary directory for building TA should be created on test hosts

Also jenkins/defs/<test suite name>/defs.groovy will be loaded if it is present, and set_defs(ctx) will be called from it to set some test-suite specific variables.

So it can be enough to set TSRIGS_GIT_URL in Jenkins and specify other repository URLs in ts-rigs. In set_defs(ctx) you can use "${env.USER}" for current username, in Manage Jenkins -> Configure System you can use __USER__ which will be automatically replaced with current username by this library:


Specific revisions or branches may be set via pipeline parameters, or by setting *_REV variables in environment or pipeline context, for example

TS_REV = 'some/user/branch'

Note that unless exact revision or branch is specified, it is assumed that main branch should be cloned by git (Jenkins cannot detect default branch automatically) and checkout will fail if there is no such branch. You may change default branch by setting *_DEF_BRANCH variable in context, for example, for test suite:

TS_DEF_BRANCH = 'develop'

How to configure Jenkins for your test suite

Required Jenkins plugins

  • Pipeline: Stage Step
  • Pipeline: SCM step
  • Timestamper
  • Email Extension
  • Copy Artifact
  • JUnit
  • Lockable Resources
  • Parameterized Scheduler

Configuring nodes and agents in Jenkins

The following hosts should be available as Jenkins agents. May be some physical host can play a few roles simultaneously from the following list; then it should have all associated Jenkins labels. Often it is better to have different hosts for these roles to balance load and to meet specific requirements of the corresponding tasks (for example, building test suite may require installing some set of packages; logs storage needs to have a lot of free disk space).

  1. A host where your test suite is built and run. Assign a label to that host so that you can pass it to teTsPipeline template.
  2. A host where test suite documentation is built. A label assigned to this host should be passed to teTsDocPipeline template.
  3. A host where publish-logs pipeline is run. It is the host where archive of logs of testing runs is stored. Label of this host should be passed to publish-logs pipeline as logs_node parameter. By default it will try to use ts-logs label.
  4. A host where bublik-import pipeline is run. It should have label bublik-import in Jenkins. From that host Bublik web interface should be available.

Creating pipeline files in your test suite using templates

  1. It makes sense to create "update" pipeline as the first one - based on teTsPipeline template. It will only build test suite together with TE without running it (pass '--build-only' option in optionsProvider hook to achieve that), and save used revisions and repositories in artifacts. Then in other pipelines you can copy artifacts from last successful build of update pipeline and use them. It will minimize the number of cases when testing is not run because of broken build. In triggersProvider use pollSCM() so that update job will be rebuilt after detecting source code changes.
  2. Create "run" pipeline based on teTsPipeline for running your tests.
  3. If you need automatic building of documentation, also create a pipeline based on teTsDocPipeline template.
  4. A pipeline for scheduling testing runs (based on teScheduledRunPipeline) can be added in ts-rigs (if you use it) or your test suite repository.
  5. If you use ts-rigs, it can also be helpful to specify there generic and test suite specific environment variables as described above.

Configuring testing logs publishing

The template teTsPipeline can trigger publish-logs and bublik-import (if Bublik is configured) to publish logs once testing is finished. For this to work you need to set some variables in pipeline context in ts-rigs or in your Jenkins file calling the pipeline template (in the closure body or in preStartHook or preRunHook).

This is required for publish-logs job that copies testing logs to a host where testing logs are permanently stored:

  • publish_logs - logs are published only if this property is set to true in pipeline context. Publishing logs may be not desirable for "update" jobs which are used only to rebuild test suite without running any tests.
  • PUBLISH_LOGS_NODE - label of the Jenkins node where logs should be permanently stored. This string will be passed to publish-logs job as its logs_node parameter. If this variable is not set or empty, logs will not be published.
  • TS_LOGS_SUBPATH - path relative to $HOME/private_html/ on the host where logs are stored. This is the base directory where logs should be saved. Subdirectories named after current date, tested configuration and Jenkins build number will be appended to this path to determine location for logs of the current testing (see define_logs_paths() in teRun); the resulting path is stored in LOGS_PATH context variable. If you do not like the default path construction, you can set directly LOGS_PATH variable in your pipeline (in closure body or preStartHook or preRunHook). Then it will be used as a path relative to $HOME/private_html/. Then you may not need to define TS_LOGS_SUBPATH. If neither LOGS_PATH nor TS_LOGS_SUBPATH is specified, logs will not be published or made available via Bublik.

The following variables are used for Bublik application currently:

  • TS_BUBLIK_URL - URL of Bublik web application. If this is not set, bublik-import job will not be triggered and the rest of the variables here will be ignored.
  • TS_LOGS_URL_PREFIX - URL prefix for web access to logs. Bublik needs it to import logs. It is assumed that LOGS_PATH should be appended to this prefix to get logs of the current testing after publish-logs job succeeded.
  • TS_LOG_LISTENER_NAME - name of log listener defined in Logger configuration file. It is used by Bublik to obtain live logs during testing.
  • PROJECT - project name, used by Bublik for sanity check that the logs belong to the project for which this Bublik instance was created.

Configuring pipelines in Jenkins

  1. If you do not already have them, add pipelines publish-logs and bublik-import (if you use Bublik web application) with exactly these names.
  2. If you use ts-rigs, in Manage Jenkins -> Configure System set environment variable TSRIGS_GIT_URL.
  3. Create a folder for your test suite in Jenkins.
  4. Add pipelines for update and documentation build using pipeline files in your test suite. In update job set downstream_jobs string parameter to the name of your documentation job so that documentation is rebuilt automatically after successful update. In documentation job set get_revs_from parameter to the name of your update job so that it gets repositories and revisions from there.
  5. Add pipeline(s) based on "run" file in your test suite. This pipeline(s) will be triggered by pipeline for scheduled testing runs according to a schedule defined there. Set get_revs_from parameter to the name of your update job.
  6. Add pipeline for scheduled testing runs.

You may add multiple run jobs, for example, one for every configuration, and mention them in a schedule stored in a pipeline for scheduled runs. Or you can use the single run job for all configurations, passing different ts_cfg values to it.

Configuring email sending

By default destination addresses for emails about pipeline result are taken from TE_EMAIL_TO_<ts_name> environment variable where ts_name is set inside closure passed to pipeline template (see example above). However ts_name value is capitalized here and all - symbols are replaced with _. So for sample-ts test suite this variable is called TE_EMAIL_TO_SAMPLE_TS. You can specify multiple destination addresses, using ';' as a separator.

Source email address is taken from TE_EMAIL_FROM_DEF environment variable. Its value can contain __USER__ string which is replaced by current user name when sending email.

See also comments in vars/teEmail.groovy.

Restarting test hosts

Parameter restart_cfg of teTsPipeline allows to request restarting test hosts before running testing. restartHook should be implemented which does actual restart. It can be specified in test suite or in ts-rigs.


Grovy libraries and generic pipelines to simplify Test Environment-based test suites running using Jenkins CI/CD.







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