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Laravel Solarium

A Solarium connection manager for Laravel. It utilizes the Laravel Manager package by Graham Campbell.


$ composer require tsterker/solarium

Once installed, if you are not using automatic package discovery, then you need to register the TSterker\Solarium\SolariumServiceProvider service provider in your config/app.php.

You can also optionally alias our facade:

        'Solarium' => TSterker\Solarium\Facades\Solarium::class,


Laravel Solarium requires connection configuration. The default configuration of this package uses the following environment variables and defaults:

SOLR_CONNECTION=main  # Publish config/solarium.php to configure multiple connections

For more control you should publish the solarium configuration:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider TSterker\\Solarium\\SolariumServiceProvider

This will create a config/solarium.php file in your app that you can modify to set your configuration. Also, make sure you check for changes to the original config file in this package between releases.

There are two main config options:

Default Connection Name

This option ('default') is where you may specify which of the connections below you wish to use as your default connection for all work. Of course, you may use many connections at once using the manager class. The default value for this setting is 'main'.

Solarium Connections

This option ('connections') is where each of the connections are setup for your application. The relevant fields for a connection are host, port, path. Optionally you can provide timeout and core (or collection when using solr cloud). Check the Solarium documentation for details.



This is the class of most interest. It is bound to the ioc container as 'solarium' and can be accessed using the Facades\Solarium facade. This class implements the ManagerInterface by extending AbstractManager from the Laravel Manager package. Note that the connection class returned will always be an instance of Solarium\Client.


This facade will dynamically pass static method calls to the 'solarium' object in the ioc container which by default is the SolariumManager class.

Example: Using Facade

use TSterker\Solarium\Facades\Solarium;
// you can alias this in config/app.php if you like

// or configure a default core/collection in the config/solarium.php

$select = Solarium::createSelect();

$docs = Solarium::select($select)->getDocuments();

Example: Using Dependency Injection

If you prefer to use dependency injection over facades, then you can easily inject the manager like so:

use TSterker\Solarium\SolariumManager;

class Searcher
    protected $solarium;

    protected $collection = 'default-collection';

    public function __construct(SolariumManager $solarium)
        $this->solarium = $solarium;

    /* @return \Solarium\QueryType\Select\Result\Document[] */
    public function all(): array
        $select = $this->solarium->createSelect();

        return $this->solarium->select($select)->getDocuments();


Change Http Adapter

By default the package uses the Curl adapter. In order to use a different adapter, just register it in your AppServiceProvider.

e.g. to use the Symphony PSR-18 HTTP Client, first install the dependencies

composer require psr/http-client
composer require nyholm/psr7
composer require symfony/http-client

And then register the Solarium Psr18Adapter:

$this->app->singleton('solarium.adapter', function () {
    $factory = new Psr17Factory();
    return new Psr18Adapter(new Psr18Client(), $factory, $factory);