This project is a capstone project developed as completion of the HTML & CSS section of Microverse main curriculum. It is a responsive website application that helps to find hotels. It is a solo project intended to showcase HTML & CSS Skills. It is a real-world-like project built with some business specifications. It consists of three pages: Home page, search results page, and item details page. The custom CSS of the project is generated using Sass which makes it reusable, readable, and scalable.
- Sass
- Bootstrap
- jQuery
- JavaScript
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
- Go to
- Click on code and copy the html code.
- Use git bash to clone this repository on your local machine.
- Run git checkout -b your-braanch-name Make your contributions
- Push your branch up to your forked repository
- Open a Pull Request with a detailed description to the development branch of the original project for a review
- VSCode
- Github
- Git
👤 Tedros Tesfay
- Github: Tedros Tesfay
- Email:
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
A website application that helps to search hotels.