Welcome to Pirineos Gourmet – Your Premier Destination for Exquisite Corporate Gifts! At Pirineos Gourmet, we understand the significance of expressing gratitude to your employees, especially during the festive season. Our meticulously curated selection of wine, cheese, jams, and gourmet delights offers an unparalleled opportunity to convey your appreciation in the most delightful and memorable manner.
- /api/products GET POST
- /api/products/:productId GET PUT PATCH DELETE
- /api/orders GET POST
- /api/orders/:orderId GET PUT PATCH DELETE
- /api/users GET POST
- /api/users/:userId GET POST PUT PATCH
- /auth/login POST
- /auth/signup POST
- /auth/verify GET
- /upload POST
- /delete POST
- /api/create-payment-intent POST
This project serves as the backend to our fullstack web application using MERN stack. The fronend for this project can be found here.
Node.js, Express, MongoDB, JavScript, Cloudinary, Stripe
Go to the folder you want to clone the project. This project was created using vite
git clone https://github.com/ttahb/gift-ecommerce-server.git
cd gift-ecommerce-server
npm install
You will need to create a .env file at root location of the project to setup all properties: -
TOKEN_SECRET='give some secret'
http://localhost:5173 points to the frontend. Please follow the readme for frontend here. Also, please follow stripe documentation to create developer test account and get your private and publishable secret key. Stripe. Private key will be used when you are setting up the backend, please read backend readme for that purpose.
Once done with creating with .env file, run the app using
npm run dev
After you do the above steps, you should be able to check the site at localhost:5005 ( or check your logs for default port)