The code used for the experiments in the IJCAI 2018 paper A Scalable Scheme for Counting Linear Extensions and AAAI 2018 paper Counting Linear Extensions in Practice: MCMC versus Exponential Monte Carlo.
The Makefile in the root can be used to compile all solutions and generate all instances:
$ make
The running make in the subdirectories can be used to compile parts selectively.
Instance generation requires Python 3. The solutions require a version of the g++ compiler that supports C++11. In addition, the LEcount solutions (Exact Dynamic Programming and Adaptive Relaxation Monte Carlo) require Boost and GMP.
The instances are generated to instances/*.txt as adjacency matrices. The script can be used to visualize them to instances/img/ (requires GraphViz).
Each solution program in solutions/ takes the name of the adjacency matrix file as the first command line argument, possibly followed by solution-specific options, and outputs the estimate for the number of linear extensions. Some solutions also write extra information to the standard error stream. All solutions support partial orders with at most 512 elements.
Relaxation Tootsie Pop:
$ solutions/relaxation-tpa/count INSTANCE
Trivial Relaxation Tootsie Pop:
$ solutions/relaxation-tpa/trivial INSTANCE
Telescopic Product:
$ solutions/telescopic-product/decomposition INSTANCE GibbsLinextSampler
Extension Tootsie Pop:
$ solutions/extension-tpa/count INSTANCE
Adaptive Relaxation Monte Carlo:
$ solutions/lecount/lecount INSTANCE --algorithm=armc
SAT Encodings #1 and #2:
These output a DIMACS CNF encoding for the instance, which can then be used as input for a SAT model counter (D4, sharpSAT and ApproxMC2 in the paper) to count the linear extensions.
$ solutions/sat/ INSTANCE 1
$ solutions/sat/ INSTANCE 2
Telescopic Product:
$ solutions/telescopic-product/basic INSTANCE SwapLinextSampler
Decomposition Telescopic Product:
$ solutions/telescopic-product/decomposition INSTANCE SwapLinextSampler
Decomposition Telescopic Product using the Gibbs sampler:
$ solutions/telescopic-product/decomposition INSTANCE GibbsLinextSampler
Tootsie Pop:
$ solutions/tpa/count INSTANCE
Exact Dynamic Programming:
$ solutions/lecount/lecount INSTANCE --algorithm=dp
Adaptive Relaxation Monte Carlo:
$ solutions/lecount/lecount INSTANCE --algorithm=armc
Variable Elimination via Inclusion-Exclusion (exact):
$ solutions/lecount/lecount INSTANCE --algorithm=veie