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Timot Tarjani edited this page Nov 4, 2019 · 15 revisions

Plugin Development

For plugin development, we recommend to use DeveloperKit plugin. It can be downloaded from HCMS Store on the plugin page.

Sample plugin


Plugin structure

Plugins are in the plugins dir. The plugin dir should be PSR-2 compatible, because the system loads the plugin by namespace. The plugin should contain a plugin_info.xml file and Register.php file.

You always have to install the plugin to be able to use it. The installer will run the plugin migration and seeding from the plugin's database folder. Plugins are executed only if their status is active.

Plugins and Composer.

Composer can be used for plugins too. The system's main composer has a merge plugin. You just have to run update on the main composer.json and all of the dependencies will be installed.

However it's recommended to set the plugin's vendor path to the system's vendor and run composer inside the plugin.

Plugin Register file.

In the Register.php file you can specify components that the system should load automatically.

Extending the menu

In Register.php create a public static method called navigation. It must return an array with the menu items information.


public static function navigation(){
		return [
			'googlemaps' => [
					'label' => 'Google Maps',
					'url' => plugin_link('google-maps/start/index'),
					'submenu_of' => 'pages'


Laravel eventing is powerful. HorizontCMS grabs this tool to be able to extend the core functions with plugins. You can register listeners for any of the events.


public static function eventHooks(){
		return [
			'ExampleEvent' => [

Frontend Widgets

You can register frontend widgets. Than you can resolve them with {[plugin_name]} shortcode from a single page. You can return blade views and strings too.


	public static function widget(){
	   return view('plugin::widget.widget',[
						'locations' => \Plugin\GoogleMaps\App\Model\Location::all(),
					    'api_key' => \Settings::get('gmaps_api_key'),
						'zoom' => \Settings::get('gmaps_zoom'),
						'type' => \Settings::get('gmaps_type'),
						'animation' => 'BOUNCE',

		//return "Try mee too!";

JavaScript plugins in themes

You can inject JavaScript into the theme with the following code in the

   <?php Website::jsPlugins(); ?>