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[enGrid 1.3] Building the final installer for Windows with NSIS

wyldckat edited this page Sep 2, 2012 · 1 revision

These instructions describe how enGrid's installer script is structured and how to update relevant information. Also, there is a list of implemented solutions and from where they came from.

Table of Contents


Here is a list of important references:


In this chapter it will be explained how to update the enGrid script files for NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System).

Currently there are only 5 files that are being maintained:

  • The main script is the file engrid.nsi and it contains the main details for the procedures to install and uninstall enGrid.
  • install_libraries.nsh and uninstall_libraries.nsh list the instructions for installing and uninstalling library files necessary for enGrid to properly operate.
  • install_files.nsh and uninstall_files.nsh list the instructions for installing and uninstalling additional files that may or may not be necessary for enGrid to properly operate.
The location of these files depend on the git branch you are working on:
  • For the branch windows-1.2.0, these files are on the folder engrid/src.
  • For branches windows and windows-1.3, these files are on the folder engrid/src/misc.
TODO: finish writing this section

Scripting Solutions

In this chapter are listed the scripting solutions that were implemented, not yet implemented and those that didn't work.

Implemented solutions

Not yet implemented solutions

Solutions that didn't work

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