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Bruno Santos edited this page Jul 12, 2012 · 1 revision

This Theme explains you where you find the enGrid settings and what the options do.

Table of Contents


The settings are hidden in the Tools-tab of the menu-bar. Go to "Tools" ---> "Configure enGrid".

enGrid options

The options are divided in three categories: general, boundary layer, surface meshing.


enable experimental features:
Enables settings which are marked as experimental in the surface meshing tab.
enable undo+redo:
If checked, the undo and redo option will be enabled.
load last used file on startup:
If this option is checked, then the last opened file will be loaded at enGrid start.
use RAM for undo+redo operations:
OpenFOAM architecture:
Paraview path:
OpenFoam path:

Boundary layer settings

number of layer height relax iterations:
number of normal vector relax iterations:
number of smoothing iterations:
remove points:
use strict prism checking:
absolute height of boundary layer:
blending between absolute and relative:
maximal layer height in gaps:
radar angle:
relative height of boundary layer:

Surface meshing settings

maximal number of iterations:
Number of Iterations till create/improve surface mesh - operation quits
default value: 10
number of Delaunay sweeps:
default value: 1
number of smoothing steps:
default value: 1
correct curvature (experimental):
checkbox default: unchecked
interpolate after meshing (experimental):
checkbox default: unchecked
edge angle to determine fixed vertices:
Edge angles smaller than edge angle to determine fixed vertices will be made round.
default value: 90.00
feature angle:
Edge angles smaller than feature angle will lose sharpness and will be adjusted to mesh.
default value: 90.00
point insertion threshold:
default value: 1.00
point removal threshold:
default value: 2.00
small area ratio for edge-swapping:
default value: 0.00
under relaxation for smoothing:
default value: 0.50
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