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Autotag Customization

Brett Terpstra edited this page Sep 2, 2011 · 3 revisions

This page is deprecated. All tag configuration can now be handled under the "Settings" menu in Bundles->Blogsmith Blogging->Settings.

The Blogsmith Autotag command has three variables which can (and likely should) be customized for your individual needs.


This is a regular expression which will search for common words which aren't worth tagging. It's used after all punctuation is stripped out, so I'm is Im and don't is dont, etc. If a common word keeps showing up in your results, add it here. Case insensitive, add new words at the end of the expression, separated by pipes (|).


These are tags that Autotag should specifically look for. They can be multi-word tags, and you can add as many as you like. The default set is what Yahoo! returns if you search for "Posts tagged" at site "". Add your favorite tags here to improve accuracy. This is an array, add new words/phrases surrounded by quotes and separated by commas (no trailing comma).


These tags will always show up in the Autotag dialog, no matter what. Have a tag you don't want to forget (@not-iphone)? Make sure it's in here. This is another array, same deal as $goodtags.

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