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ttscoff edited this page Sep 2, 2011 · 1 revision

Blogger Link

This command just creates a link to a WIN blogger, using a name or partial name. It needs at least a full first name, non case-sensitive. If there is more than one result for the search, it will provide a popup menu. Just highlight the name, load the ⌘-^-w menu, and choose Blogger Link. The response is a snippet with the full name, properly cased, with a link to that bloggers /bloggers/ page on the blog. The snippet will allow editing of the resulting name as the first tab stop.

As with most of the commands in the bundle, this can be used with multiple sites, simply by setting the BLOG_SITE environment variable in Preferences->Advanced->Shell Variables. Set it to "" for example, to search for DownloadSquad bloggers and their blogger pages.

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