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Brett Terpstra edited this page Sep 2, 2011 · 2 revisions

The following header metadata is recognized by the Autofill commands, and are parsed and stripped before posting:

doctype: tuawpost

This header is stripped, and is only used for the Quick Look preview plugin

title: Post title

tags: tag1;tag2;tag3

Tags are separated by semicolons and no spaces, although spaces may be used in the middle of multi-word tags. The "Blogsmith Autotag" command inserts properly formatted tag lists. The autotag command can be triggered by pressing tab after the space at the end of the line which starts with "tags:"

link: http://postlink

The URL to be used as the main post link. If a url exists in reference format starting with "link" as its identifier (e.g. [link tuaw]:, pressing tab after the link: header will insert that url automatically.

categories: xxx;xxx;xxx

Use the "Get Categories" command to insert the category ID's, delineated by semicolons. The command can be selected from the menu or triggered by pressing tab after the first space following "categories:" in the headers.

Example header block

doctype: tuawpost title: Tags Announcement tags: tags;organization;productivity link: categories: 696 tags: Organization;Spotlight