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Brett Terpstra edited this page Sep 2, 2011 · 4 revisions

There are two commands under the Search portion of the bundle, in addition to the Bing commands: App Store Link, and Advanced iTunes Search.

App Store Link

This command takes your selected text (or text input in the first dialog) and searches Yahoo for App Store ( links, makes sure they have "viewSoftware" in the title (indicating an app vs. other media) and extracts the ID for the app. It will offer a list of every match it finds, up to 20, with the titles as the menu items. In many cases, the app you're looking for is titled "iTunes Store," which is of little help but will get you the right link. As a backup, it will ask if you want to double check the link in iTunes; clicking "Yes" or pressing Enter/Return will take you directly to the App Store page for the app you selected (it will not proxy through your browser). Whether you double check the link or not, the selected result is pasted. If it turns out to be the wrong link, you can copy the correct link from iTunes, return to TextMate and press tab to highlight the newly selected url, and paste over it.

In my testing it's been 90% accurate, but remains experimental.

Advanced iTunes Search

This command simply takes your selected text or dialog input and loads an advanced search in iTunes with parameters which result in a list of apps (not icon view) and showing all search results (paginated at 50, I think).

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