Tutorials and samples for GStreamerSharp
C# tutorials translated to C# from https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/documentation/tutorials/. These versions are different than the official samples (https://github.com/GStreamer/gstreamer-sharp/tree/master/samples).
Additionally, there are a few demos of using web cameras with GStreamer Sharp and WinForms and WPF versions of Basic tutorial 5 and VideoOverlay samples (https://github.com/GStreamer/gstreamer-sharp/blob/master/samples/VideoOverlay.cs).
These samples use custom built .Net Standard 2.0 gstreamer-sharp dlls and gtk dependencies. These are built using gvsbuild project (https://github.com/wingtk/gvsbuild). These dlls are in the lib directory and a tested and work in a .Net framework 4.7.2 console, forms and WPF, and .Net Core and .Net 5 console projects.