Small Javascript Library for DSGVO - Consent Management
window.consentManager = new ConsentManager({
cookieName : 'consentCookie',
cookieExpireDays : 365,
closeOnModalClick : true,
headline : '<h3>New Headline</h3>',
text : '<p>Here you can Edit the Teasertext</p>',
buttonText : 'Speichern und schließen',
fields : [
name: 'marketing',
label: 'Marketingdaten - <i>Helfen Sie uns relevantere Angebote zu erstellen</i>',
name: 'tracking',
label: 'Nutzerdaten Analyse - <i>Wir möchten lernen, was Sie bei uns interessiert</i>',
name: 'mandatory',
label: 'Berechtigtes Interesse - <i>z.B. zum speichern des User Logins</i>',
mandatory : true
details: '<small>Read more in our <a target"_blank" href="/datapolicy">Datapolicy</a></small>'
<button onclick="">Show Consent Layer</button>
<button onclick="consentManager.activate('marketing')">Activate and Reload Page</button>
<button onclick="consentManager.deactivate('marketing')">Deactivate and Reload Page</button>
<button onclick="consentManager.reset()">Delete Consent Cookies</button>
'marketing' is the Consentfields name
if (consentManager.status('marketing')) {
// Your Marketing Code here