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Deep Watershed Detection

This repository holds the code to train and evaluate DWD models. The documentation is intended enable easy use of the code, for an explanation of the methods please refer to the original publication.


The code is tested on python version 3.6 and Tensorflow 1.4.1, to install dependencies run inside the repo base directory (repo_home): pip install -r requirements.txt. The image database module taken from the original fast r-cnn repository and it has some cython code that needs to be compiled by running make all inside lib.


As it is, the path for the data should be:

/DeepWatershedDetection/data/DeepScores_2017 for DeepScores.

/DeepWatershedDetection/data/DeepScores_300dpi_2017 for the scanned version of DeepScores.

/DeepWatershedDetection/data/DeepScores_ipad_2017 for the ipad version of DeepScores.

/DeepWatershedDetection/data/MUSICMA++_2017 for MUSCIMA++ dataset.

/DeepWatershedDetection/data/your_data_set for some other dataset you might want to use.

NB: ipad version still doesn't work well (as in, getting decent results on it).

All three DeepScores dataset have the same structure. We will explain the structure of DeepScores_2017, but you can generalize for the other datasets. The directory has the following structure:

annotations_cache - create it using mkdir /DeepWatershedDetection/data/DeepScores_2017/annotations_cache.

DeepScores_classification - contains a single file named class_names.csv which maps names of musical symbol classes to numbers.

results - contains a folder called musical2017 which contains a folder called Main needed for internal procedures during training. Please create the folders using mkdir. The path should be /DeepWatershedDetection/data/DeepScores_2017/results/musical2017/Main.

segmentation_detection - contains the dataset with the following structure:

     ```images_png``` - all images of the data set, in png format.
     ```pix_annotations_png``` - pixelwise annotations in png format, at the moment is not used, however we plan to use it in the future as an improvement for out model.
     ```xml_annotations``` - the ground truth for the detection, xml format.

The names of an image, its corresponding ground truth, and its corresponding pixelwise annotation must be the same. For example, image lg-527907832922209940-aug-beethoven--page-5.png located in images_png must have a corresponding lg-527907832922209940-aug-beethoven--page-5.xml located in xml_annotations and might have (optionally) a lg-527907832922209940-aug-beethoven--page-5.png located in pix_annotations_png.

train_val_test contains 3 files called train.txt, val.txt and test.txt which have the names of images for training, validation and testing set.

NB: For hyperparameter optimization, we have merged val.txt and test.txt in order to have a validation set which has a higher representation of different classes. For an unbiased evaluation, it is highly recommended to get a new fresh test set and do a single evaluation there (with the best model we have). priority - high.

MUSICMA++ has a similar structure, with the following difference:

     ```MUSICMA++_2017``` - replaces ```segmentation_detection``` and has the exact structure.

The full dataset can be downloaded here. For Pascal VOC data please refer to the official website.

Preparing a New Dataset

The easiest way to work with a new dataset, is to emulate the structure of one of the mentioned datasets. Assmuing that you build the same structure (save the data in files with the same names in a new folder) then additionally you need to to:

  • on /DeepWatershedDetection/lib/datasets/ create a file similar to files for deepscores or muscima The file contains a class with all the information, please read to understand how to write this file.

  • link it on

  • if the dataset ground truth is on some other format, then you need to write a function for it on Please look at functions parse_rec() and parse_rec_deepscores for an idea on how to write this function.

Model Training

To train a DWD model DeepScores_dense run:

cd repo_home/lib
python3 main/ contains a variety of configuration possibilities, most of them are easily understood from the help. Some of the most important ones are explained here:

  • Dataset

dataset = "DeepScores_2017_train" tells the classifier which dataset to use for training. Options are DeepScores_2017_train for DeepScores, DeepScores_300dpi_2017_train for the scanned version of DeepScores, DeepScores_ipad_2017_train for the ipad version of DeepScores, MUSICMA++_2017_train for the handwritten dataset.

  • Input Scaling

scale_list - we have set it to 0.5 in all experiments.

  • Pretraining

pretrain_lvl - the net performs better if it is pretrained in some other task. For DeepScores, we first pretrained the net in semantic segmentation task (option: semseg), for scanned version of DeepScores, we do finetuning of a net already trained on DeepScores (option: DeepScores_300dpi_2017_train).

  • Definition of training assignments

We do the training in stages, as explained in ISMIR paper. You can set the number of iterations for each task in Itrs0, Itrs1, Itrs2, Itrs0_1, Itrs_combined. For the best results we have so far, we use Itrs0, Itrs1, Itrs2, Itrs0_1, Itrs_combined = 20000, 20000, 20000, 10000, 30000

  • Augmentation with synthetic symbols

Field augmentation_type sets the synthetic augmentation as described on ANNPR and WORMS papers. By default is set to no which means no synthetic augmentation. You can set this field to up which augments 12 synthetic images above the sheet, or full which creates a page totally synthetized. Augmentation might be considered in cases where the dataset is very unbalanced.

NB: In case you use up or full you need to have the dataset of augmentation in the root of the projects (see: /DeepWatershedDetection/new_augmentation_combined where new_augmentation_combined is the folder containing the augmentation. It has the same format as a dataset, in addition to having pickle files for efficiency. This has been done only once, so best thing is to just keep it as it is.

  • Base model

Field model is set by default to RefineNet-Res101, however you can change the model of ResNet to other ResNets.We used for experiments always ResNet101, however ResNet152 should work slightly better (and make both training and inference slower).

  • Other important training parameters

We did a random hyperparameter search for learning rate and l2 regularization coefficient. The exact values for these hyperparameters can be seen in the folders for each net, however we found that training works well if learning rate is set close to 5e-5, while l2 is set close to 5e-7. For optimizer we have used rmsprop, however, the code accepts also Adam and SGD with momentum.

Saving Nets

Nets are saved by default in a path looking like: /DeepWatershedDetection/experiments/music/<pretrain level>/<net model>/<net id>. For example a net trained on DeepScores will be saved on the path: /DeepWatershedDetection/experiments/music/pretrain_lvl_semseg/RefineNet-Res101/run_0 where run_0, run_1, run_2, ..., run_n etc are created automatically for each new run of training. For DeepScores_300dpi (scans) replace pretrain_lvl_semseg with pretrain_lvl_DeepScores_to_300dpi, and for the version DeepScores_ipad (photos) with pretrain_lvl_DeepScores_to_ipad. For MUSCIMA, the path would be /DeepWatershedDetection/experiments/music_handwritten/pretrain_lvl_semseg/RefineNet-Res101/run_0.

On each folder where a net is saved, you will find the following files:

     Files which have the serialized net, can be used for predictions and/or further training of that net:
     dict.pickle - a dictionary saved on pickle format which saves information about how the net was trained (number of iterations, optimizer used, augmentation type, learning rate, l2 parameter etc).
     events.out.tfevents - tensorboard file
     res-0.5.txt - Average precision in validation set at IoU = 0.5
     res-0.55.txt - Average precision in validation set at IoU = 0.55
     res-0.95.txt - Average precision in validation set at IoU = 0.95

Model Evaluation

In order to evaluate a model run:

cd DeepWatershedDetection/lib/main


Important parameters for inference file are:

dataset - the dataset you want to do inference in. Use DeepScores, DeepScores_300dpi or MUSCIMA

net_type - the type of net you want to use for reference, must be the same as the net you trained. By default it uses RefineNet-Res101

net_id - the id of the net you want to perform inference with

debug - in case you have already done predictions and now you want to just compute mAP
``` heavily uses file. Please give a look at it how it works, each method there is commented.

Future Work

  • in addition to rmsprop, the nets now can be trained using adam and sgd with momentum but we need to do hyperparameter optimization for this to work well.
  • focal loss has been implemented and tested that it works, but not how well it works.
  • make the code work for good quality images.
  • Domain adaptation - train in a dataset, test in an another.


If you use this code in any way, please consider using one or more of the following papers:

For DeepScores dataset, please cite:

  author    = {Lukas Tuggener and
               Ismail Elezi and
               J{\"{u}}rgen Schmidhuber and
               Marcello Pelillo and
               Thilo Stadelmann},
  title     = {DeepScores-A Dataset for Segmentation, Detection and Classification
               of Tiny Objects},
  booktitle = {24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, {ICPR} 2018,
               Beijing, China, August 20-24, 2018},
  pages     = {3704--3709},
  year      = {2018},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/icpr/2018},
  url       = {},
  doi       = {10.1109/ICPR.2018.8545307},
  timestamp = {Wed, 05 Dec 2018 13:31:37 +0100},
  biburl    = {},
  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,}

For Deep Watershed Detector model, please cite:

  author    = {Lukas Tuggener and
               Ismail Elezi and
               J{\"{u}}rgen Schmidhuber and
               Thilo Stadelmann},
  title     = {Deep Watershed Detector for Music Object Recognition},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th International Society for Music Information
               Retrieval Conference, {ISMIR} 2018, Paris, France, September 23-27,
  pages     = {271--278},
  year      = {2018},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/ismir/2018},
  url       = {\_Paper.pdf},
  timestamp = {Tue, 20 Nov 2018 15:33:12 +0100},
  biburl    = {},
  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,}

If you use DeepScores_300dpi, DeepScores_ipad or tricks like synthetic augmentation please cite the following papers:

  author    = {Thilo Stadelmann and
               Mohammadreza Amirian and
               Ismail Arabaci and
               Marek Arnold and
               Gilbert Fran{\c{c}}ois Duivesteijn and
               Ismail Elezi and
               Melanie Geiger and
               Stefan L{\"{o}}rwald and
               Benjamin Bruno Meier and
               Katharina Rombach and
               Lukas Tuggener},
  title     = {Deep Learning in the Wild},
  booktitle = {Artificial Neural Networks in Pattern Recognition - 8th {IAPR} {TC3}
               Workshop, {ANNPR} 2018, Siena, Italy, September 19-21, 2018, Proceedings},
  pages     = {17--38},
  year      = {2018},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/annpr/2018},
  url       = {\_2},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-319-99978-4\_2},
  timestamp = {Thu, 30 Aug 2018 13:24:28 +0200},
  biburl    = {},
  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,}

  author    = {Ismail Elezi and
               Lukas Tuggener and
               Marcello Pelillo and
               Thilo Stadelmann},
  title     = {DeepScores and Deep Watershed Detection: current state and open issues},
  journal   = {CoRR},
  volume    = {abs/1810.05423},
  year      = {2018},
  url       = {},
  archivePrefix = {arXiv},
  eprint    = {1810.05423},
  timestamp = {Tue, 30 Oct 2018 20:39:56 +0100},
  biburl    = {},
  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,}


Accompanying code for the Deep Watershed Detection paper







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