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This is a boilerplate framework that helps building fast, robust, and modern web applications. S.O.L.I.D principles are applied in this project. It implements NLayer Architecture (Domain, Application, Infrastructure and UI Layers) and also provides a good infrastructure to implement best practices such as Aspect Oriented Programming, Dependency Injection.

Covered Functionality

Used Technologies

Aspect Oriented Programming

There are dynamic handlers and service interceptors for adding additional behavior to the RESTful or Application Service layer without modifying service codes.

1. Dynamic Handler

It aims to add behavior for RESTful Service (AbiokaApi.Host application). These behaviors can be logging Http Request and Response messages, checking authentication etc. If you want to do something for every request or response, you should use a dynamic handler.


Write a class that implements IDynamicHandler interface.

public class NhUnitOfWorkHandler : IDynamicHandler
    private readonly IUnitOfWork unitOfWork;

    public short Order => 10;

    public NhUnitOfWorkHandler(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork) {
        this.unitOfWork = unitOfWork;

    public void BeforeSend(IRequestContext requestContext) {
        if (!unitOfWork.IsInTransaction)

    public void AfterSend(IResponseContext responseContext) {
        if (unitOfWork.IsInTransaction)

    public void OnException(IExceptionContext exceptionContext) {
        if (unitOfWork.IsInTransaction)

Register this class with IoC container. To learn additional information about Lifestyles please read this.

 DependencyContainer.Container.Register<IDynamicHandler, NhUnitOfWorkHandler>(LifeStyle.PerWebRequest)

There are following dynamic handlers:

1.1. AuthenticationHandler

It checks Http Request header to find Json Web Token and throws an exception, if there is no valid token and the action is not allowed for anonymous login.

1.2. ExceptionHandler

It catches every exception and wraps it and then returns Http Response with specific Status Code and additional Header value.

1.2. NhUnitOfWorkHandler

It opens a db transaction before calling service layer and commits this transaction after service layer response. If there is an exception, it rollbacks the transaction.

2. Service Interceptors

It aims to add behavior for the application services (AbiokaApi.ApplicationService application).

2.1 RoleValidationInterceptor

if the current user hasn't the role which is necessary for the application service method, it throws an exception.

internal class RoleValidationInterceptor : IServiceInterceptor
    private readonly ICurrentContext currentContext;

    public RoleValidationInterceptor(ICurrentContext currentContext) {
        this.currentContext = currentContext;

    public int Order => 0;

    public void BeforeProceed(IInvocationContext context) {
        var attributes = context.Method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AllowedRole), true);
        if (attributes == null || attributes.Count() == 0)

        if(currentContext.Current.Principal.Roles == null)
            throw new DenialException("AccessDenied");

        var allowedRoles = (AllowedRole)attributes.First();
        if (currentContext.Current.Principal.Roles.Any(r => allowedRoles.Roles.Contains(r)))

        throw new DenialException("AccessDenied");


Creating a class that inherits CustomValidator<parameter type> is enough to validate the parameter type for every service method which has this parameter.


public interface IUserService : IReadService<User>
    User Add(AddUserRequest request);
public class AddUserRequestValidator : CustomValidator<AddUserRequest>
    private readonly IUserSecurityRepository userSecurityRepository;

    public AddUserRequestValidator(IUserSecurityRepository userSecurityRepository) {
        this.userSecurityRepository = userSecurityRepository;

        RuleFor(r => r.Email).NotEmpty().WithMessage("IsRequired").EmailAddress().WithMessage("ShouldBeCorrectEmail");
        RuleFor(r => r.Password).NotEmpty().WithMessage("IsRequired");

    protected override void DataValidate(AddUserRequest instance, ActionType actionType) {
        var tmpUser = userSecurityRepository.GetByEmail(instance.Email);
        if (tmpUser != null)
            throw new DenialException("UserIsAlreadyRegistered", instance.Email);


JWT is used for Authentication. Once the user is logged in, then JWT is generated and returned as a response. Each subsequent request will include the JWT, allowing the user to access routes, services, and resources that are permitted with that token. You may want to look at AuthenticationHandler

Allow Anonymous

Adding AllowAnonymous attributte to a controller method disables token validation for that method.

public class UserController : BaseReadController<User>
    private readonly IUserService userService;

    public UserController(IUserService userService)
        : base(userService) {
        this.userService = userService;

    public HttpResponseMessage Login([FromBody]LoginRequest request) {
        var token = userService.Login(request);

        var response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, token);
        return response;

OAuth 2.0

Facebook and Google accounts can also used for login.



Only defining the roles with AllowedRole attributte for service method is sufficient for authorization. You may want to look at RoleValidationInterceptor


public interface IUserService : IReadService<User>
     [AllowedRole("Admin", "SuperUser")]
     void Update(User entiy);

Single Page Application

AngularJS provides SPA template for UI.


It's a compenent wraps md-data-table. It uses $resource object to interact with RESTful server-side data sources.


With load-data option:

<abioka-data-table options="vm.options" load-data="vm.loadData">
 /* @ngInject */
 function UsersController($timeout, AdminResource) {
     var vm = this;
     vm.loadData = false;
     vm.options = {
         loadOnInit: false, // If you want to load data immediately, pass this as true.
         rowSelection: false,
         resource: AdminResource.users,
         query: {},
         columns: [{ name: "Email", text: "Email", order: true }],
         dialogController: 'UserDialogController',
         editTemplate: '/app/components/user/userDialog.html',
         deleteTemplate: '/app/shared/deleteComponent/deleteComponent.html'

     $timeout(function () {
         vm.loadData = true;
     }, 1000);

With cellTemplate option:

<abioka-data-table options="vm.options">
/* @ngInject */
function LoginAttemptsController($filter, AdminResource) {
    var vm = this;

    var resultTemplate = "<span class='ab-label' ng-class=\"{'label-warning': entity.LoginResult === 'WrongPassword', 'label-success': entity.LoginResult === 'Successful'}\">{{entity.LoginResult | translate}}</span>";
    var fulldateFormat = $filter("translate")("FullDateFormat");
    var dateTemplate = "<span>{{entity.Date | abDate:'" + fulldateFormat + "'}}</span>";

    vm.options = {
        loadOnInit: true,
        rowSelection: false,
        isReadOnly: true,
        resource: AdminResource.loginAttempts,
        query: { order: '-Date' }, // default order by Date descending while loading data.
        columns: [{ name: "Date", text: "Date", order: true, cellTemplate: dateTemplate },
            { name: "User.Email", text: "Email" },
        { name: "LoginResult", text: "LoginResult", cellTemplate: resultTemplate },
        { name: "IP", text: "IP" }],


Language resources are stored under resources folder and used with translate filter.



  "Password": "Password",
  "PasswordAgain": "Password Again",
  "IsAdmin": "Is Admin",
  "LoginForm": "Login Form",

in html:

<label>{{'Password' | translate}}</label>


You can test this application at

User Name:
Password : demo

Abioka Demo


Clone this repository to your local machine.

git clone

Run the following codes:

cd AbiokaApi/AbiokaApi.Host
npm install

Change connection string in web.config

Change Facebook and Google's client and secret key's value in web.config

Open the AbiokaApi.sln with Visual Studio and then run the project.

Open http://localhost:84 in your lovely browser.

Installation via nuget

Install full code:

Install-Package AbiokaApi.All

or install custom libraries:

Install-Package AbiokaApi.Domain
Install-Package AbiokaApi.Repository
Install-Package AbiokaApi.ApplicationService
Install-Package AbiokaApi.Infrastructure.Common
Install-Package AbiokaApi.Infrastructure.Framework
Install-Package AbiokaApi.Host


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details