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Prebuilt Executables

See Releases on the right side.


The currently used Qt version is 5.15, but it should work with any version >= 5.2.


  • clone repository and update submodules
git clone
cd TURAG-Console
git submodule init --update --recursive
  • install dependencies: sudo apt install qtbase5-dev-tools qt5-qmake libqt5serialport5-dev libqwt-qt5-dev libqwt-headers libqt5svg5-dev
  • open in Qt Creator, re-run qmake and compile


  • download and unpack latest version of Qwt
  • to speed up compilation, you can comment out the following entries in qwtconfig.pri:
    • QWT_CONFIG += QwtDll
    • QWT_CONFIG += QwtDesigner
  • follow further steps as outlined in doc/html/qwtinstall.html
  • create a new environment variable named QMAKEFEATURES with the value C:\Qwt-6.1.2\features (adjust to your installation path)
  • log out and back in to update environment
  • clone repository and update submodules
  • open in Qt Creator, re-run qmake and compile
  • for easy deployment with alle required DLLs the windeployqt tool can be used as follows:
    • copy turag_console.exe into an empty release folder
    • open Qt cmd window and change to the bin folder
    • run windeployqt.exe and specify the absolute path to turag_console.exe in the release folder as an argument
    • copy qwt.dll into the release folder
    • run windeployqt.exe again, this time specifying qwt.dll in the release folder as the argument