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turboj edited this page Aug 19, 2011 · 20 revisions

R0ket Geiger counter

Turn you r0ket into a Geiger counter!

See the R0ket Geiger counter in action here:

How to connect the r0ket to the Geiger counter

I modified an old CD-ROM audio cable for this and swapped the wires on one side.

Connection on the Geiger counter board (the black wire is not connected):

Connection on the r0ket:

The pin numbers on "m0dul A" connector are 5 for GND and 11 for Signal.

If you want to power the Geiger board from your r0ket, you need to connect the left pin from PULSE to pin 1 of the m0dul connector. Note that this only works with a firmware modified for soft rise of the +3V3_EXP output. The patch is in this repository.

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