Easy to use data store. Can be used for persistent data in a sqlite file or just blazing fast in memory.
- insert
- update
- upsert
- delete
- count
- find
- findOne
- automatic index creation
- manual index creation
- persistent storage
- memory storage
- easy filtering while fetching data like in Django ORM
- fetching specific fields by providing an array with column names
This libary is the NodeJS version of my favorite python module: https://dataset.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
Try it out on: https://npm.runkit.com/alopex
npm install -g npm@latest
npm install alopex --save
Giving up a database name to connect is optional. Default database if none given is ':memory:'
const alopex = require('alopex')
const dataSet = await alopex()
This code will create a new table called myNewTable
and will add the required fields automatically.
dataSet.myNewTable.insert({'name': 'John', 'surname': 'Snow'}).then(pk=>{
console.info('Inserted record has primary key', pk)
dataSet.myNewTable.find({'name': 'John'}, null).then(records=>{
console.info('Found records', records)
dataSet.myNewTable.find({'name': 'John'}, ['surname']).then(records=>{
console.info('Found records', records)
dataSet.myNewTable.find({'_orderBy': 'id'}).then(records=>{
console.info('Found records', records)
Descending sorting is done by adding -
in front of the column name.
dataSet.myNewTable.find({'_orderBy': '-id'}).then(records=>{
console.info('Found records', records)
dataSet.myNewTable.find({'_limit': 100}).then(records=>{
console.info('Found 100 records', records)
Using _offset without _limit is ignored.
dataSet.myNewTable.find({'_limit': 100, '_offset': 100}).then(records=>{
console.info('Found 100 records starting from offset 100', records)
dataSet.myNewTable.update({'name': 'John', 'id': 5}, ['id']).then(updateCount=>{
console.info('Updated records', updateCount)
dataSet.myNewTable.update({'name': 'John'}, {'surname__like': '%Snow%'}).then(updateCount=>{
console.info('Updated records', updateCount)
dataSet.myNewTable.delete({'name': 'John'}).then(changeCount=>{
console.info('Total deleted', changeCount)
dataSet.myNewTable.count({'name': 'John'}).then(total=>{
console.info('Total records matcing criteria', total)
Filters used below can be used by update, upsert, delete and count.
- __eq
- __lt
- __lte
- __gt
- __gte
- __isnull
- __like (Case instenstive. This is default sqlite behavior)
Example usage:
dataSet.myTable.find({'name__like': '%test%', 'age__isnull': false, 'id__gte': 5, '_orderBy': '-id', '_limit': 5, '_offset': 10})
Find record method creates indexes automatically. For example:
dataSet.find({'z': 1, 'y__eq': 2})
will create index idx_y_z
It only applies to fields filtered with =
Promise returns false if index already exist.
dataSet.myNewTable.createIndex(['age', 'length']).then(isIndexCreated=>{
console.info('Created new index is ', isIndexCreated)