Convex hull has plenty of applications. Some of them are convex relaxations in optimisation, robot motion planning, image processing, etc. It may be interesting to know that it is also used for applications like emergency evacuation planning or disease epidemic tracking.
A rigorous definition of convex hull can be found from many sources on the web (which may require some extra understanding of convexity fundamentals). But in a loose sense, the convex hull of a set S of points is the smallest convex set that contains all points in S.
This program takes an input as all the points of a set (in 2D Euclidean space) and returns the convex hull of that set.
INPUT: a text file with the following format The first line is a number indicating the number of points in the set (N). Each of the next N lines contains the coordinator of the point in x, y format
For example:
0 5
-1 4
7 2
OUTPUT: the convex hull of the input set.
PS: Could be an interesting small assignment for a Java course/subject